Gh. Government People Should Stick To Their Core Mandate of Collecting Taxes and Providing A Civilized Existence(Developmental Projects) And Stop Promising The Youth Who Look Up To Them, Things They(Government) Are Not Good A ... read full comment
Gh. Government People Should Stick To Their Core Mandate of Collecting Taxes and Providing A Civilized Existence(Developmental Projects) And Stop Promising The Youth Who Look Up To Them, Things They(Government) Are Not Good At Providing Especially Sustainable Jobs
Jobs(Sustainable) Are Created By the Private Sector Through Advancement and Improved Ways of Doing Things By A Nations Entrepreneurial Class. For The Most of The Nation, Gh. Hasn't Been Considerate To It's Entrepreneurs and Have Favoured A Big State Manned By Politicians Who Can't Seems To Get AnyThing Straight
Accranie 1 week ago
In The Presidential Debate Held in Tamale Hon Ayariga Pointed To The Fact That Abandoned Factorys/Silos Litter The Country, These Abandoned Factorys Once Belonged To The Government of Gh Who Couldn't Manage The Successfully. ... read full comment
In The Presidential Debate Held in Tamale Hon Ayariga Pointed To The Fact That Abandoned Factorys/Silos Litter The Country, These Abandoned Factorys Once Belonged To The Government of Gh Who Couldn't Manage The Successfully. If These Factorys Were Operational Employment Would Have Been Generated
Last Last, The Government People Simply Don't Have the Competency To Successfully Run or Consult On Business Issues, Because What it Takes To Succeed In Politics Is Very Different From What it Takes to Succeed In the Private Sector
Pelicles. 1 week ago
Did Opare Addo read the budget Ato Forson presented in parliament, if not, in it, there was a line which states that there is a "freeze on employment" so, what is this goon talking about?
Since Mahama became president, how ... read full comment
Did Opare Addo read the budget Ato Forson presented in parliament, if not, in it, there was a line which states that there is a "freeze on employment" so, what is this goon talking about?
Since Mahama became president, how many committees had he set up and is he going to run the country with committees? That is a clear indication that Mahama is still John Mahama who was nicknamed "Incompetent" in 2012.
Edem 1 week ago
Ministers can't think , always setting up foolish committees to milk the few taxes at hand. Mmmoa
Ministers can't think , always setting up foolish committees to milk the few taxes at hand. Mmmoa
From one committee to another
Gh. Government People Should Stick To Their Core Mandate of Collecting Taxes and Providing A Civilized Existence(Developmental Projects) And Stop Promising The Youth Who Look Up To Them, Things They(Government) Are Not Good A ...
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In The Presidential Debate Held in Tamale Hon Ayariga Pointed To The Fact That Abandoned Factorys/Silos Litter The Country, These Abandoned Factorys Once Belonged To The Government of Gh Who Couldn't Manage The Successfully. ...
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Did Opare Addo read the budget Ato Forson presented in parliament, if not, in it, there was a line which states that there is a "freeze on employment" so, what is this goon talking about?
Since Mahama became president, how ...
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Ministers can't think , always setting up foolish committees to milk the few taxes at hand. Mmmoa