Every time the local textile factories tries to prop up its uncompetitive industry through government intervention I laugh. The sector has become uncompetitive because the operated in a protected market and profited from that ... read full comment
Every time the local textile factories tries to prop up its uncompetitive industry through government intervention I laugh. The sector has become uncompetitive because the operated in a protected market and profited from that fro decades with commensurate investment in new technologies emerging in Asia. Now textile manual Turing has become complex and multilayered whilst Ghanaian textile companies have focused on only one niche wax print. How can you compete when you are not equipped to produce plain and diverse fabrics needed for mainstream garments production or you have not integrated backwards into spinning and cotton production. When you have not raised money or risked investment to consolidate the sector. They are using their labour advantage to protect their market stall when supermarkets are springing up everywhere. What did they do with the windfall in the years when there was a complete sellers market. Did they not invest in the future. Ghana is not the only country where the wax print industry has collapsed under globalisation. No force can stop this apart from transformation through reinvestment to ride on the wave of change. Swimming against it is futile effort to get the most of a taxi whose tires are old and whose fuel is running out
Kwabena Osei 8 years ago
I believe ATL should as a matter of fact start financing research projects put up there by the Ghana universities. Other countries use the research and development to push their textiles and clothing industries. Intervention ... read full comment
I believe ATL should as a matter of fact start financing research projects put up there by the Ghana universities. Other countries use the research and development to push their textiles and clothing industries. Intervention by government is not the "answer". ATL should promote the habit of financing research.
Abiba 8 years ago
Without research Ghana will never progress even if we have the best Presidents. Use findings to work on improving situation and improvements.
Without research Ghana will never progress even if we have the best Presidents. Use findings to work on improving situation and improvements.
Larry Finch 8 years ago
The thin line between those who succeed and those who don't is in TAKING ACTION!
The bonanza is still on for "Mobile Phones and Tablets Repairs : A Complete Guide for Beginners and Professionals ". Get your copy today before ... read full comment
The thin line between those who succeed and those who don't is in TAKING ACTION!
The bonanza is still on for "Mobile Phones and Tablets Repairs : A Complete Guide for Beginners and Professionals ". Get your copy today before 1st January,2017. Visit Amazon marketplaces, Barnes & Noble, eBay etc
Every time the local textile factories tries to prop up its uncompetitive industry through government intervention I laugh. The sector has become uncompetitive because the operated in a protected market and profited from that ...
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I believe ATL should as a matter of fact start financing research projects put up there by the Ghana universities. Other countries use the research and development to push their textiles and clothing industries. Intervention ...
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Without research Ghana will never progress even if we have the best Presidents. Use findings to work on improving situation and improvements.
The thin line between those who succeed and those who don't is in TAKING ACTION!
The bonanza is still on for "Mobile Phones and Tablets Repairs : A Complete Guide for Beginners and Professionals ". Get your copy today before ...
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