Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 10 November 2022


Armed robbers invade Walewale, bolt away with mobile money vendor's money

The robbers  attacked a Mobile Money Vendor's shop The robbers attacked a Mobile Money Vendor's shop

Correspondence from North East Region

Some unknown gunmen have invaded Walewale township in the North East Region and bolted away with some unspecified amount of money from a mobile money vendor.

The gunmen invaded the town between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM on Wednesday, 9th November 2022 at the Walewale new market (Walewale-Tamale bus station) to rob unsuspecting residents in broad daylight.

The armed robbers who were two on a motorbike from an unknown direction attacked the mobile money vendor after he had visited the bank to pick up some monies to serve his customers for the day.

The gunmen on their arrival started shooting indiscriminately to scare the residents especially, those around the robbery vicinity.

An eyewitness told GhanaWeb that "they nearly shot me because I was just sitting near rasta (the mobile homey vendor) at the time they started the shooting. They shooting anyhow so people could not withstand the sounds of the guns. Rasta went and fell and the people chased him to collect his bag," he said.

He added that "people were running helter-skelter for safety because the armed robbers just opened fire to intimidate anyone around."

The robbery in Walewale township and the municipality, in general, is a seasonal ritual behavior of armed robbers especially, during dry seasons like this.

Meanwhile, the police are lacking patrol vehicles to combat the menace in the West Mamprusi Municipality hence, the increasing rate of robberies.

In this regard, Police on duty at the checkpoints have no alternative but to be taking tricycles (Yellow Yellow) and some relying on passersby for lifts to get to work due to the unavailability of patrol vehicles.

According to the eyewitnesses, the police arrived late after the robbers had operated and left the scene without being arrested.