Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 18 September 2014

Source: GNA

Court re-directs Time and Route for CGRG Demonstrator

An Accra Circuit Court has ordered Concerned Ghanaians for Responsible Governance (CGRG) to re-direct the routes and time of a slated Demonstration which is to take place on September 22.

The court in granting an ex-parte motion directed that the demonstration be held from 0500 hour to 1400 hours, and that, the route of the said demonstration should start from Obra Spot to Farisco Traffic Light and end at Hearts Park.

Chief Inspector Francis Tassan, who moved the motion, argued that, the route plan of the organizers was not conducive to security arrangement.

According to Chief Inspector Tassan, using the Ako Adjei fly over through Flagstaff House will be a security threat.

Chief Inspector Tassan told the court that on September 15, a notification letter was received from CGRG announcing their intention to state a peaceful protest.

The Chief Inspector noted that although the purpose of the event was not stated by the organizers, they wanted to hold the demonstration from 0500 hours to 2000 hours.

Considering the public interest and security, Chief Inspector Tassan said the Police would prefer the convergence point at Obra Spot at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle and end at the Hearts Park in Accra.

The court presided over by Mr. M.E. Essandoh granted the motion.
