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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 20 June 2024


Driver's mate, 22, found dead in a gutter at Atimatim

The incident occurred on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 The incident occurred on Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A 22-year-old driver's mate, Owusu Michael, popularly known as Tupac, has been found dead in a gutter at Edwenease near Atimatim in the Afigya Kwabere South District of the Ashanti Region.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Residents suspect that the deceased was knocked down by a car and left to die in the gutter.

Speaking to a student journalist at OTEC School of Journalism and Communication Studies, Asonaba Kwadwo Wusu, Mr. Mustapha Seidu, who worked with the deceased, said he was informed about the tragedy after some residents discovered the body.

"I normally work with him, but he failed to show up for work today, so I had to find another driver's mate. Only for me to be told that he has been killed," Mr. Seidu said.

"I rushed to the scene and discovered that, indeed, my boy was gone. It's very difficult now to understand what or who must have killed him, but I will leave that to the police."

The Assembly Member for the area, Hon. Somiye Dai, suspects foul play.

According to him, he believes the deceased was beaten and killed before being dumped in the gutter.

"After the police came over to do their preliminary investigations, I saw some marks and cuts around the body. I may not be a policeman, but I suspect he was beaten to death by some unknown assailants," he said.

"Meanwhile, I would encourage residents and family to leave the investigations to the police in order to get the right information."

The Assembly Member noted that police officers have reported to the scene and have commenced investigations.