Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 11 April 2023


I attempted suicide twice because my wife left after we fell from grace to grass – Man

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A two-time suicide survivor has revealed his failed marriage and how his wife left him in a time of financial hardship, left him depressed and anxious.

Mr. George Nuako revealed that when he married his wife, Mrs. Nuako, everything was rosy, and the provided for her as a husband would do.

But when things turned sour, and he lost his job, his wife started to change and left him without a trace.

”It got to the point where we had to go to farms and steal crops just to cook and survive. We stole pepper, palm nuts, and other items. My wife had had enough of the hardship. She started staying home late, and sometimes she didn’t come home at all, which worried me. It became difficult for us to find food at one point,” he added.

According to him, he lost his job, and the issue became worst, but he became disappointed that his wife had to lace him.

To him, someone who claimed to love him should have understood him and stayed with him in times of their difficulties, but she did not.