Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 11 June 2016

Source: GNA

Lotto Retailer remanded for possessing firearms

An Accra Circuit Court on Friday remanded a Lotto Retailer, Alex Kobi Avorgbedor for possessing firearms without lawful authority.

Alex pleaded not guilty to the charge but was remanded by the court, Presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh to reappear on June 23.

The facts of the case as presented by Police Chief Inspector Ofori Amanfo are that the complainants are police officers while the accused person is a Lotto Retailer residing at Ashiaman.

He said on June 5, a highway patrol detailed for Kpone, stopped a 30- seater loaded vehicle at Shai Hills for routine checkup.

He said a search was conducted on all the passengers and a locally manufactured pistol was found in the accused person’s underwear near his genitals.

Police Chief Inspector Amanfo told the court that Alex was arrested and handed over to the Ashiaman police.

He claimed ownership of the gun, saying he bought it at Ashiaman Market but could not produce any document to support it.
