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Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 2 July 2024


North East: One person killed in renewed chieftaincy and land dispute

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In Gbingbani, North East Region, one person has reportedly been killed amid a resurgence of chieftaincy and land disputes between two Konkomba factions. The conflict has also resulted in damage to over ten houses.

The District Chief Executive, Konlan Bitian, confirmed the incident, stating that the clashes began around midnight on Friday following an assault by unidentified armed individuals. He reported to journalists that these men had vacated the town in the aftermath of the violence, leaving behind only women and children.

Furthermore, he disclosed that although police forces have been dispatched to the region, there are emerging reports of armed men in Jejung a village within Chereponi planning subsequent attacks on Gbingbani.

The catalyst for the clashes remains a mystery; however, local security forces have initiated an investigation into the events.