Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Source: GNA

Susu Collector charged with stealing over 54 million cedis

Asamankese (E/R), Oct. 19, GNA - A Susu Collector, John Akesse, who collected more than 54 million cedis from customers but allegedly misappropriated it, has been granted 100 million-cedi bail by the Asamankese Circuit Court.

Akesse, who pleaded not guilty to stealing, was ordered by the Judge, Mr Kofi Akrowiah, to deposit 10 million cedis of the amount in court and produce two sureties before the bail would be effected. Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Joseph Idan told the court that for the past seven years, Akesse was employed as a Susu collector by the Asamankese branch of the Ghana Union Traders Association (GUTA). He said in January, this year, Akesse complained of ill-health and therefore could not go round to collect the Susu as efficiently as before and the GUTA executive decided to re-deploy him to clerical duties in the office, but that he should submit all records and monies in his possession for auditing before taking up his new assignment. Inspector Idan said Akesse, despite persistent demands failed to do so making GUTA unable to pay monies due to customers who had been besieging the office, adding that when the safe and bank accounts of Akesse were inspected, they were found to contain no money. He said when the accused was unable to account for the monies he collected and a complaint was made to the police he was arrested. The prosecutor said when Akesse was audited, it was realized that he had misappropriated a total of 54,641,000 cedis.

Chief Inspector Idan said in a cautioned statement, Akesse admitted the offence and said he used part of the money to build a two-bedroom house on his mother's plot.