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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Two ‘most wanted criminals’ arrested

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The Effiduase District Police Command in the New Juaben Municipality of the Eastern region has arrested two out of four most wanted criminals tormenting residents in the area.

The two suspects were arrested on Tuesday with the aid of vigilante residents.

The Effiduase District Police Commander, DSP Daniel Yaro in an interview with Starr News said the Police received distress calls around midday that, the burglars had broken into a house and had succeeded in stealing some household properties.

He said the Police quickly rushed to the scene and managed to arrest two out of the four suspects.

The Police retrieved two Flat Screen television sets, a Laptop computer, home sound system, DVD players and other household equipment.

The Police also retrieved tools such cutlass, Steelbender, cutters, three-quarter Rod and other implements used to carry out the operation.

The Effiduase District Police Commander, DSP Yaro, advised developers and landlords not to use hollow-steel as burglar proof on their buildings since they are easy to cut.

He also appealed to residents to be vigilant and report suspicious characters who disguise themselves as artisans.