Omg, what's wrong with some men? How can you sleep with your own daughter? Gross!
Omg, what's wrong with some men? How can you sleep with your own daughter? Gross!
Akos 10 years ago
This pedophile father must be punish severely in prison. There's just no justification for a father to do this despicable act to a daughter.
This pedophile father must be punish severely in prison. There's just no justification for a father to do this despicable act to a daughter.
soso 10 years ago
v danso is the most idiot person in ghana a taxi driver, you can have any type of lady in ghana to sleep with and now, you will get only "TRUMU" in the next years. good luck
v danso is the most idiot person in ghana a taxi driver, you can have any type of lady in ghana to sleep with and now, you will get only "TRUMU" in the next years. good luck
BAD MOUTH 10 years ago
Only the Evil EWes and Ashantis could do this. Where else?. These two group are SATAN in numbers. Just look at Kunadu and JJ Rawlings
Only the Evil EWes and Ashantis could do this. Where else?. These two group are SATAN in numbers. Just look at Kunadu and JJ Rawlings
Bob Linking 10 years ago
so in situations like this where the father is no more responsible for the financing of the girl's education due to his imprisonment, who is going to take care of the girls educational needs?
the constitution has make prov ... read full comment
so in situations like this where the father is no more responsible for the financing of the girl's education due to his imprisonment, who is going to take care of the girls educational needs?
the constitution has make provisions for such circumstances to continue the responsibility of the imprisoned father to the family.
if this situation is not curb by the Law, what do u think will be the benefit to the girl child and the mother when the family head or provider is imprisoned for such crime committed.
thank you
Apiu a mark 10 years ago
hmmmm, may u have nice and paceful work to the prison.such a mas should be sent to gambaga prison were non of his family can pay visit to him.what a shamless man .hom can u feel wen having sex to ur own duaghter.then the,s m ... read full comment
hmmmm, may u have nice and paceful work to the prison.such a mas should be sent to gambaga prison were non of his family can pay visit to him.what a shamless man .hom can u feel wen having sex to ur own duaghter.then the,s mother must exame .
OLUWELE 10 years ago
Animal of a father...
Animal of a father...
Africanus 10 years ago
How did the judge arrive at the 18 years sentence? The punishment does not fit the crime, it arbitrary and not based on reason. There got to be proper mechanism guiding sentencing in Ghana.
How did the judge arrive at the 18 years sentence? The punishment does not fit the crime, it arbitrary and not based on reason. There got to be proper mechanism guiding sentencing in Ghana.
Babs 10 years ago
do you think he needed a lesser sentence, just asking
do you think he needed a lesser sentence, just asking
Agya Pa 10 years ago
So you think you understand the law better than the judge? So, what will you recommend? A suspended sentence so he can came live in the community and train you to do same evil act?
So you think you understand the law better than the judge? So, what will you recommend? A suspended sentence so he can came live in the community and train you to do same evil act?
Kwame kwakye 10 years ago
I herd his name is Okoampa-Ahoofe
I herd his name is Okoampa-Ahoofe
Frank 10 years ago
You see Gina, some of these fools are wishing them selfs some unimaginaly things in their lives,so they all visit those shrines and fake spiritual power holders.And they are advised by these fake spiritualist to endulge in su ... read full comment
You see Gina, some of these fools are wishing them selfs some unimaginaly things in their lives,so they all visit those shrines and fake spiritual power holders.And they are advised by these fake spiritualist to endulge in such devilish acts to achieve their fortunes and whatever they want.
Jonathan 10 years ago
It is the Daughter's fault. How can you allow your father to sleep with. She should be arrested too. why this strange behaviors from Ashanti?
It is the Daughter's fault. How can you allow your father to sleep with. She should be arrested too. why this strange behaviors from Ashanti?
Angel 10 years ago
How's it the daughter's fault? Believe me, when you're the victim of sex abuse, especially coming from your own father, you become powerless & under his control. She was obviously very much afraid of his threats & I'm glad sh ... read full comment
How's it the daughter's fault? Believe me, when you're the victim of sex abuse, especially coming from your own father, you become powerless & under his control. She was obviously very much afraid of his threats & I'm glad she found the courage to report him. Never blame the victim of sexually abuse & please, stop making this a tribal issues. Sexually abuse happens in all tribe and all society.
HAWA YAKUBU 10 years ago
Thank you very much. I like your observation. It sounds like this man above you is a culprit because he fuck his daughter too.
Thank you very much. I like your observation. It sounds like this man above you is a culprit because he fuck his daughter too.
Osbon 10 years ago
Angel, well said.
Angel, well said.
Sammy 10 years ago
Are you also sleeping with your daughter ? Dirtbag !
Are you also sleeping with your daughter ? Dirtbag !
***Koshi*** 10 years ago
I tell you what, why don't you respond to this and give me your phone number and home address so I can pay you a special visit? You are fool and a disgrace to mankind. People like you can on hide behind computers ... read full comment
I tell you what, why don't you respond to this and give me your phone number and home address so I can pay you a special visit? You are fool and a disgrace to mankind. People like you can on hide behind computers and spew out these kinds of garbage. I shall find you and teach you a good lesson soon.
Aku 10 years ago
You deserve to be jailed for your stupid comments.
You deserve to be jailed for your stupid comments.
Babs 10 years ago
like seriously blaming the daughter? hmmmm interesting
like seriously blaming the daughter? hmmmm interesting
Agya Pa 10 years ago
So true among idiots like you. How can you even think like're still living the dark ages....blaming this poor girl who's ruined for life by her own dad!!!
Pray no one does anything as evil as this to your daughte ... read full comment
So true among idiots like you. How can you even think like're still living the dark ages....blaming this poor girl who's ruined for life by her own dad!!!
Pray no one does anything as evil as this to your daughter or sister!!
Joinmah 10 years ago
They have been in DARKNESS for very long, Please, Madam and Mr Lawyer bring all of THEM to LIGHT NOW for us to know them.
They have been in DARKNESS for very long, Please, Madam and Mr Lawyer bring all of THEM to LIGHT NOW for us to know them.
HAWA YAKUBU 10 years ago
This is what I call primitive SARPONG not a cultural marriage. These cave dwellers keep fucking their biological daughters and WANT to run this country. Just castrate the bastard and let him spend the 18 years too.
This is what I call primitive SARPONG not a cultural marriage. These cave dwellers keep fucking their biological daughters and WANT to run this country. Just castrate the bastard and let him spend the 18 years too.
Gogo 10 years ago
Jonathan, shame on u! I hope u don't have a daughter of your own cuz I think you're a pervert.
Jonathan, shame on u! I hope u don't have a daughter of your own cuz I think you're a pervert.
Lamse 10 years ago
This is no news. It comes from Kumasi.
This is no news. It comes from Kumasi.
kknico 10 years ago
your grandfather fuck ur mother to give birth to you,curse lamse animal like u kwasia like u learn to think na u hv being a goat for too long
your grandfather fuck ur mother to give birth to you,curse lamse animal like u kwasia like u learn to think na u hv being a goat for too long
***Koshi*** 10 years ago
This guy is a scambag and should have been given more years behind bars for his crime. Shit hole he is.
This guy is a scambag and should have been given more years behind bars for his crime. Shit hole he is.
Adika 10 years ago
What is the M|inister of Edi=ucation saying about this.
What is the M|inister of Edi=ucation saying about this.
Obed Adore 10 years ago
What are you talking about Adiak? Do you think that the so-called Akufo Addo's "free education" will stop parents from paying boarding and lodging, and other expenses like clothes, transportation, personal pocket or spending ... read full comment
What are you talking about Adiak? Do you think that the so-called Akufo Addo's "free education" will stop parents from paying boarding and lodging, and other expenses like clothes, transportation, personal pocket or spending money? Please think again and think like a real human being.
Babs 10 years ago
he is a pig and needs to be castrated before going to jail. you are a disgrace to manhood. you need some serious prayers.
he is a pig and needs to be castrated before going to jail. you are a disgrace to manhood. you need some serious prayers.
Obiba 10 years ago
Our justice system is very swift and cruel on the poor. But when it comes to the criminal politicians, it's like there is no justice at all.
Our justice system is very swift and cruel on the poor. But when it comes to the criminal politicians, it's like there is no justice at all.
bright genesis 10 years ago
I'm very sad from the day I heard ridiculous story of brother victor.mmm is too bad.God forgive me.
I'm very sad from the day I heard ridiculous story of brother victor.mmm is too bad.God forgive me.
kofi accra 10 years ago
Only NPP man can do that at kumasi.
Only NPP man can do that at kumasi.
saved 10 years ago
T sentence is too less for him. He deserves ten years imprisonment.
T sentence is too less for him. He deserves ten years imprisonment.
saved 10 years ago
Bitch he deserves thirtyfive years with hard labour
Bitch he deserves thirtyfive years with hard labour
SS 10 years ago
We don't encourage the man's behaviour and actions but the real people who should be in jail are the politicians. Those looting Ghana's money and depriving the poor. Moreover, another group that should be languishing in jail ... read full comment
We don't encourage the man's behaviour and actions but the real people who should be in jail are the politicians. Those looting Ghana's money and depriving the poor. Moreover, another group that should be languishing in jail are the evil pastors, Obinim, TB Joshua and the rest.
Ama 10 years ago
So you don't think this evil father belong in prison?
So you don't think this evil father belong in prison?
NHYIRABA 10 years ago
send this guy to jail to get rape by the other inmates .He is an animal .Even an animal can figure who the it's child is .your honor; please don't let this guy comes out again.
send this guy to jail to get rape by the other inmates .He is an animal .Even an animal can figure who the it's child is .your honor; please don't let this guy comes out again.
Fresh kiwzy 10 years ago
Wicked father
Wicked father
Emmanuel opoku 10 years ago
ou this is too much how can a father do this to his daughter, may God forgive u
ou this is too much how can a father do this to his daughter, may God forgive u
JOHN MAHAMA 10 years ago
Frank 10 years ago
John, you have the best eyes.How could you see that?I had to look at it twice before i got it.You are angry to the bone.I know you will hang the man if you get him.Do not worry his life is finished forever and ever but the li ... read full comment
John, you have the best eyes.How could you see that?I had to look at it twice before i got it.You are angry to the bone.I know you will hang the man if you get him.Do not worry his life is finished forever and ever but the life of the girl still goes on.
BenjieTee 10 years ago
If she could decline the second time then she could have declined the first time also and that would have prevented this shameful act in the first place.It's unfortunate that some girls are not so smart and allow their curios ... read full comment
If she could decline the second time then she could have declined the first time also and that would have prevented this shameful act in the first place.It's unfortunate that some girls are not so smart and allow their curiosity to get the better of them.The first incident was a threat and she willingly allowed.The second encounter was by force.So think about it..all were at fault.
mobydick 10 years ago
Fool. It serves you right.
Fool. It serves you right.
KOBBY 10 years ago
Nyantakyi 10 years ago
May God forgive and be with him !!! I wish his wife
well. Lets all keep on praying to avoid this shameful act. OOOOOh MY GOD !!!!
May God forgive and be with him !!! I wish his wife
well. Lets all keep on praying to avoid this shameful act. OOOOOh MY GOD !!!!
Kofi VS. Kwame 10 years ago
So, what school fees are Ghanaians always fighting over.
So, what school fees are Ghanaians always fighting over.
fancy 10 years ago
the man is very big fool and he goat more yrs to be added
the man is very big fool and he goat more yrs to be added
Missy 10 years ago
God have mercy upon us .kovarume mapindwa nei?
God have mercy upon us .kovarume mapindwa nei?
samloco 10 years ago
in fact, the father and the daughter are both morally diarrhoea and needs treatment like the 18 years in wahala
in fact, the father and the daughter are both morally diarrhoea and needs treatment like the 18 years in wahala
Dorcas 10 years ago
What an evil act
What an evil act
Victor Mwansa 10 years ago
He is a mad person.he need to in prison for 60 yrs.sure your own daughter god wil punish this man
He is a mad person.he need to in prison for 60 yrs.sure your own daughter god wil punish this man
Godfrey 10 years ago
Our duty is to educate our children and not sleeping with them please let us God.why asking for compasetion from your own flesh and blood? Shame!
Our duty is to educate our children and not sleeping with them please let us God.why asking for compasetion from your own flesh and blood? Shame!
Abigail 10 years ago
what a world
what a world
andy kay 10 years ago
is nt a ghud father he desev to be punishd.
is nt a ghud father he desev to be punishd.
Gina 10 years ago
wat a bad father how cn he do dat 4 God'sick S A Father Sh Would Hd Let Hs Money Thn 2opn Her Leg 2a Father They Ar Both At Faut
wat a bad father how cn he do dat 4 God'sick S A Father Sh Would Hd Let Hs Money Thn 2opn Her Leg 2a Father They Ar Both At Faut
Omg, what's wrong with some men? How can you sleep with your own daughter? Gross!
This pedophile father must be punish severely in prison. There's just no justification for a father to do this despicable act to a daughter.
v danso is the most idiot person in ghana a taxi driver, you can have any type of lady in ghana to sleep with and now, you will get only "TRUMU" in the next years. good luck
Only the Evil EWes and Ashantis could do this. Where else?. These two group are SATAN in numbers. Just look at Kunadu and JJ Rawlings
so in situations like this where the father is no more responsible for the financing of the girl's education due to his imprisonment, who is going to take care of the girls educational needs?
the constitution has make prov ...
read full comment
hmmmm, may u have nice and paceful work to the prison.such a mas should be sent to gambaga prison were non of his family can pay visit to him.what a shamless man .hom can u feel wen having sex to ur own duaghter.then the,s m ...
read full comment
Animal of a father...
How did the judge arrive at the 18 years sentence? The punishment does not fit the crime, it arbitrary and not based on reason. There got to be proper mechanism guiding sentencing in Ghana.
do you think he needed a lesser sentence, just asking
So you think you understand the law better than the judge? So, what will you recommend? A suspended sentence so he can came live in the community and train you to do same evil act?
I herd his name is Okoampa-Ahoofe
You see Gina, some of these fools are wishing them selfs some unimaginaly things in their lives,so they all visit those shrines and fake spiritual power holders.And they are advised by these fake spiritualist to endulge in su ...
read full comment
It is the Daughter's fault. How can you allow your father to sleep with. She should be arrested too. why this strange behaviors from Ashanti?
How's it the daughter's fault? Believe me, when you're the victim of sex abuse, especially coming from your own father, you become powerless & under his control. She was obviously very much afraid of his threats & I'm glad sh ...
read full comment
Thank you very much. I like your observation. It sounds like this man above you is a culprit because he fuck his daughter too.
Angel, well said.
Are you also sleeping with your daughter ? Dirtbag !
I tell you what, why don't you respond to this and give me your phone number and home address so I can pay you a special visit? You are fool and a disgrace to mankind. People like you can on hide behind computers ...
read full comment
You deserve to be jailed for your stupid comments.
like seriously blaming the daughter? hmmmm interesting
So true among idiots like you. How can you even think like're still living the dark ages....blaming this poor girl who's ruined for life by her own dad!!!
Pray no one does anything as evil as this to your daughte ...
read full comment
They have been in DARKNESS for very long, Please, Madam and Mr Lawyer bring all of THEM to LIGHT NOW for us to know them.
This is what I call primitive SARPONG not a cultural marriage. These cave dwellers keep fucking their biological daughters and WANT to run this country. Just castrate the bastard and let him spend the 18 years too.
Jonathan, shame on u! I hope u don't have a daughter of your own cuz I think you're a pervert.
This is no news. It comes from Kumasi.
your grandfather fuck ur mother to give birth to you,curse lamse animal like u kwasia like u learn to think na u hv being a goat for too long
This guy is a scambag and should have been given more years behind bars for his crime. Shit hole he is.
What is the M|inister of Edi=ucation saying about this.
What are you talking about Adiak? Do you think that the so-called Akufo Addo's "free education" will stop parents from paying boarding and lodging, and other expenses like clothes, transportation, personal pocket or spending ...
read full comment
he is a pig and needs to be castrated before going to jail. you are a disgrace to manhood. you need some serious prayers.
Our justice system is very swift and cruel on the poor. But when it comes to the criminal politicians, it's like there is no justice at all.
I'm very sad from the day I heard ridiculous story of brother victor.mmm is too bad.God forgive me.
Only NPP man can do that at kumasi.
T sentence is too less for him. He deserves ten years imprisonment.
Bitch he deserves thirtyfive years with hard labour
We don't encourage the man's behaviour and actions but the real people who should be in jail are the politicians. Those looting Ghana's money and depriving the poor. Moreover, another group that should be languishing in jail ...
read full comment
So you don't think this evil father belong in prison?
send this guy to jail to get rape by the other inmates .He is an animal .Even an animal can figure who the it's child is .your honor; please don't let this guy comes out again.
Wicked father
ou this is too much how can a father do this to his daughter, may God forgive u
John, you have the best eyes.How could you see that?I had to look at it twice before i got it.You are angry to the bone.I know you will hang the man if you get him.Do not worry his life is finished forever and ever but the li ...
read full comment
If she could decline the second time then she could have declined the first time also and that would have prevented this shameful act in the first place.It's unfortunate that some girls are not so smart and allow their curios ...
read full comment
Fool. It serves you right.
May God forgive and be with him !!! I wish his wife
well. Lets all keep on praying to avoid this shameful act. OOOOOh MY GOD !!!!
So, what school fees are Ghanaians always fighting over.
the man is very big fool and he goat more yrs to be added
God have mercy upon us .kovarume mapindwa nei?
in fact, the father and the daughter are both morally diarrhoea and needs treatment like the 18 years in wahala
What an evil act
He is a mad person.he need to in prison for 60 yrs.sure your own daughter god wil punish this man
Our duty is to educate our children and not sleeping with them please let us God.why asking for compasetion from your own flesh and blood? Shame!
what a world
is nt a ghud father he desev to be punishd.
wat a bad father how cn he do dat 4 God'sick S A Father Sh Would Hd Let Hs Money Thn 2opn Her Leg 2a Father They Ar Both At Faut