Diaspora News of Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Source: The Christian Journal Reporter

Believers’ Convention 2013

Bronx NY - What event could bring a great number of people into the auditorium of the Bible Believers’ Tabernacle (BBT) in the Bronx during the mid-summer’s heat? It could only be the one and only Believers’ Convention. For the past five years, Christians from around New York area had always gather under one umbrella to worship and praise God and this year was not an exception. The convention was graced with two great men of God, Prophet Morris Offei-Asare and Rev. Dr Yaw Owusu Ansah both of Adom FM in Ghana, West Africa under the theme, “Pursue, Overtake and Recover”.

The Convention started on July 15th with great excitement and a strong word of faith teachings by Prophet Offei-Asare. He started the convention with a great exposition messages on the definitions of the theme. He went on to admonish Christians to pray often in times of need and have faith in God. He also stated that Christians these days have become very lazy in prayer and always rushing for miracles instead of patiently waiting on God for His divine direction. The next four days escalated higher and higher proving that the Kingdom of God still reigns and worth the celebration.

Later on in the week, Rev. Dr. Yaw Owusu Ansah also gave a dynamic word on the Kingdom of God. His sermon reminded Christians about the goodness of God. He later spoke on the need to trust God when in despair. He stated, even though David in a condition of disappointment, encouraged himself in God to become victorious (I Samuel 30). Of course, Rev. Dr. Yaw Owusu Ansah’s Friday evening’s message about the daughters of Zelophehad on “Communication, Conviction, Confrontation, Co-operation and Courage” will change your thinking in times of difficulties as a Christian (Numbers 27). The story celebrates the boldness of these five daughters namely Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. He indicated that when one is well convinced about a situation, a good communication will open a door of opportunity into favor. There must be cooperation, courage and a well skillful confrontation of an issue to be successful. He indicated that confrontation must always go with good communication skill. He went on to say that sometimes, people may be right in a situation they may be confronted with but their act of communication on the subject makes them become a victim of failure.

He further stressed that as Christians; sometimes we should gather courage and face some difficult tasks in life. He ended his message by thanking the organizers who invited him to the convention to speak. Watch for BELIEVERS CONVENTION 2014 which will be held on the 3rd week of July, 2014.

You can relive the 2013 Believers Convention anytime. It’s now available online at www.believersconvention.org or facebook.com/believersconvention. Experience an amazing photo gallery from the event, and video sermons at your own convenience. Be blessed!
