Diaspora News of Saturday, 11 July 2015

Source: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah

GCAO & clergy present Ghana disaster relief concert in Toronto

As the attention of Ghana shifts from the predicament of the victims of the June 3 disaster in Accra to the Talensi bye-election with its attendant violence between the NDC and NPP, Ghanaians living in far away Toronto-Canada have not forgotten the plight of the June 3 victims!

Under the auspices of the Ghanaian Canadian Association of Ontario (GCAO) and the Ghanaian Ministerial Fellowship of Toronto there will be a fundraising musical concert at the Presbyterian Church in Toronto on Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5.00pm to climax the fundraising campaign since the disaster to assist the victims in Ghana.

A Ghana Disaster Relief Committee under the leadership of Rev. James Quainoo of the Pentecost Church have been working hard over the weeks to galvanize individuals, Ghanaian businesses, cultural associations, and churches as well as friends of Ghana to present their contributions toward the relief fund during the concert. A target of a minimum $50,000 has been earmarked!
The concert will feature choirs and youth singers from the Presbyterian, Ghana Methodist, SDA, Pentecost and Assemblies of God Churches as well as the Gye Nyame Band based in Toronto and the 'power-house' gospel singer, Kwaku Gyasi. Prayers would be offered for our nation, Ghana.

Amount raised plus any other relief items that would be mobilized, would be taken to Ghana by 2 special delegates who would facilitate the disbursement of our contributions directly to the identifiable June 3 disaster victims and present a comprehensive report to the community upon their return to Toronto,
A special account has been opened with TD Bank under the Ghanaian Ministerial Fellowship of Toronto (GMFT). Cheques to the relief fund can therefore be made payable to the GMFT. Those who want to deposit their contributions directly into bank account can do so. The account number is:14582 004 0676 5247748
All are cordially invited to help this noble humanitarian cause.

If you have further questions contact the following:

Rev, James Quainoo @ 416-745-0242
Emmanuel Duodu @ 416-357-7237
Michael Appiah Kubi @ 416-873-4353
