Diaspora News of Saturday, 2 September 2006

Source: Ghanaian News Canada

Ghanaian Canadian Achievement Awards/Dinner in Toronto

The Famee furlane Banquet Hall on 7065 Islington Avenue in Woodbridge (Toronto) will be the venue for the 6th Annual Ghanaian Canadian Achievement Awards. It's expected that hundreds of enthusiastic Ghanaian community members and well-wishers from all over Canada will gather on the evening of Saturday September 2, 2006 at the said venue to recognize outstanding achievers in the community.

The event will recognize individual professionals, Business persons, academics, youth, community-spirited persons, sportsmen/women, entertainers, cultural and gospel music exponents who have made significant contributions to our community as well as the Canadian society as a whole. There will also be two special awards this year. This is a special contribution Award which will be given to a non-Ghanaian, who has helped our community immensely.

Dignitaries who will attend the expected mammoth gathering will include the Ghana High Commissioner-Designate Her Excellency Dr. Mrs. Margaret Ivy Amoakohene and representatives, from the Municipal, Provincial and Federal levels, community leaders, cultural groups, church members and the general public.

The keynote Speaker for the occasion Mr. Armand P. La Barge, Chief of Police, York Regional Police. There will be showcasing of African culture and music by various groups.

Please join us at

Place: Famee Furlane Banquet Hall, 7065 Islington Avenue, (Steeles/Islington) Woodbridge, Ontario

Fee: $50.00

Date: Saturday, September 2, 2006

Time: 6.00 p.m.

For further info. Call 416-916-3700 416-844-9161