Diaspora News of Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Source: Prince Osei Bonsu

Ghanaian appointed to the Harris County, Texas International Advisory Council

Kwame B.  Acheampong Kwame B. Acheampong

County Judge Ed Emmett has appointed Kwame B. Acheampong to the newly created Harris County International Advisory Council.

The core responsibility of the Advisory Council is to advice the County Judge and the Commissioners Court on economic development opportunities involving foreign countries and businesses.

Harris County is the largest county in terms of population - over four million and with enormous resources in the State of Texas and the fourth largest county in the United States.

Kwame, a long-time resident of Harris County brings to the Advisory Council an experience in international business development. He is a businessman and expert in public policy and local government development.

He has previously served in a similar capacity for Harris County by promoting small to medium-sized businesses in Harris County, the Gulf Region of Mexico and The Caribbean.

He also served as Ghana’s Trade and Investment Representative to the United States under Ministry of Trade & Industry, Private Sector Development and President’s Special Initiatives during President Kufuor’s government. He has for 16 years served as an Adjunct Professor of Government at the Houston Community College.

The Harris County International Advisory Council envisions to expand trade missions abroad from Harris County and its neighboring counties while effectively interacting with foreign delegations that visit the county which includes City of Houston.

”I will endeavor to leverage my presence on the Council to promote Ghana as an attractive investment destination to the numerous CEOs and business executives I will have the privilege of interacting with.

Houston is the energy capital of the world and Harris County has a strong medical research and aerospace technology presence, as well as the third largest port in the United States and I believe all of these will present some opportunistic synergies for Ghana”, according to Mr. Acheampong.

Kwame is a graduate of Rice University and the prestigious Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.
