Diaspora News of Monday, 6 September 2010

Source: Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

Ghanaians In Germany Condemn Political violence

A forum to discuss recent political developments and the economic crisis in Ghana was held over the weekend in Essen-Germany. The well-attended forum was organized by the North Rheinwestphalia Branch of the New Patriotic Party(NPP)Topics that were of major concern to most participants included election related violence, the economy and the role of the opposition in between elections.
In an opening address Mr Alhassan Yakubu Talli, Chairman of NPP in North Rheinwestphalia noted that election is about making choices between various political and ideological leanings and not violent confrontations. Mr Alhassan Talli pointed out that since the NDC took over the reigns of government in January 2009, no election has been conducted without the incidence of violence and intimidation and added that this trend is a threat to our democracy and stability of the country.
On the economy, Alhassan, who is an Investment Banker by Profession explained that Ghanaians are today poorer than they were in 2008 because the Mills led government have failed to meet the basic needs of the people. According to him ,the recent astronomical increases in utilities as well as food stuffs which have triggered demonstrations throughout the country points to the fact that the NDC government has failed Ghanaians.
The Chairman rejected the government’s assertion that inflation has been brought down as a mere political gimmick. He said inflation has two sides namely demand driven inflation and supply driven inflation and what we have under the current government is less government spending which means less money in the hands of ordinary people.
Mr Alhassan Talli said the people of Ghana are looking up to the NPP to rescue them from the failings of the NDC government adding that ‘We have a duty to our people and country to rise up to this challenge and we can only do that through a united front’
Speaking on the topic ‘The role of the Opposition in between elections’ Mr Kofi Okofo Darteh, a veterant Journalist and political Analyst debunked the traditional role of the opposition which is to oppose every government action. He was the opinion that the role of every effective opposition party is to serve as an alternative government by providing better and alternative policies and pragrammes and this requires that the party in opposition must have the required data in all aspects of the economy so as to be able to take over the reigns of government when the time comes Mr okofo Darteh charged all opposition parties not the NPP to find creative ways of containing the political violence that is gradually becoming part of our political culture in recent times.
He indicated that events in Akwatia, Chereponi and Atiwa should remind us of the need for all Ghanaians,civil society, religious groups,traditional rulers and NGOs to reject and condemn all acts of lawlessness,intimidation and banditry before, during and after elections.
Other speakers including Mr Oduro Kwateng first vice chairman NPP-NRW ,Mr Emmanuel Berko Organiser NPP-NRW and Mr Okagya Agyemang all condemned the use of violence as a political weapon and called on the police to live up to their duty and responsibility of protecting life and property of all Ghanaians.
Kwaku Anane-Gyinde Head of Communications NPP,NRW- German
