Diaspora News of Thursday, 27 December 2007

Source: dr philip yaw bannor,n.p.p chairman-tennessee.

Message From NPP party in Tennessee


It is with great pleasure to inform you, and the entire NPP party, of the formation of a new Chapter of the NPP party in Tennessee . Ghanaian communities in both Chattanooga and Knoxville recognizing the need to:

To foster UNITY among all Ghanaians irrespective of political persuasion, geographical, ethnic or religious background. To make special efforts to bring all Ghanaians of various backgrounds into our party.

To advance PROGRESS in Ghana , Africa , and indeed the world. Especially in areas of delivery of quality health care, better education, and job creation. Our continued development and success depends on building lasting ties with other nations both in Africa , and the world at large.

To address Common Needs of fellow Ghanaians.

To promote effective Political Dialogue in areas of national planning, and help identity strategic needs of the people of Ghana .

To Protect all citizens against brutalities, to live in safe environment, free from political repression, and encourage all citizens to contribute to the national rebuilding effort. Facilitate efforts to eliminate victimization of wanton crimes, perverse contract killings, and needless traffic catastrophe;

organized ourselves to become part of the NPP party, on Decemebr 16, 2007. The meeting drew 30 enthusiastic members from both communities.

The following executives were elected: Chairman Dr. Yaw Bannor, Vice Chairman Kenneth Ankomah, Secretary George Essien, Public Relations Officer Mark Asibey Yeboah, Treasurer Mavis Bannor, Women Organizer Sheila Owusu Senyah.

Formal inauguration will be announced soon.

Best Wishes to all the aspirants. We look forward to a successful National Congress in Ghana . We ask all NPP members to foster party UNITY, and RALLY behind whoever emerges as the flag bearer of our party. We can all succeed together.
