Diaspora News of Wednesday, 10 July 2013


NDC Amsterdam Gives Thanks to NPP

At a recent gathering of NDC members and sympathizers in the The Netherlands, members were quick to acknowledge the fact that even though everyone is in agreement to the fact that the Petitioners have embarked on a “Chasing the Wind” challenge, there were certain elements of that composition that needs to be acknowledged as a good eye opener to all -, and that is, it is a fact that “power” or the enforcements of the laws of the nation , is slowly going back into the hands of the Gate-Keepers of the Law ( The Supreme Court Judges ) where it belongs.


Ghana in recent times, have witnessed an up-roar of petty journalism where media practionners pointed their weaponry of words at anyone , regardless, and in some sad cases fabricated lies/stories which they fed the Ghanaian populace with, bringing a new meaning to the *KA NA MIN KA BI* (Democracy) Ghana style.****

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Reporting online (online journalism) and the reactions it facilitated a cross section of users , also took a dive for the worse, with derogatory remarks and comments flooding websites that once had meaningful / responsible administrators who ensured that only civil /decent dialogue was generated or created in their forums, with NPP and NDC supporters literally killing each other on various network sites, while the Gate-Keepers (Webmasters/site administrators) looked on unconcerned, has all but shaped our mindsets into the gutters of civilizations, with educated people hiding behind the freedom of the internet to rain insults and disrespect leadership with no shame.

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Today, we must all thank the insatiable desire of the Petitioners to assume power, for letting the bold and gallant men and women of the Supreme Court step up of the plate , in meting out the swift justice to the likes of Ken Kuranchie and Stephen Atubiga . NDC Amsterdam sympathizes with the unfortunate mis-conduct of these public figures , but also want to enlighten Ghanaians to the fact that, these two individuals can NO LONGER hold public offices, because they were sentenced and jailed ( sent to prison) by a court of law, and our constitution does frown on that, lest we forget.

Ghanaians , especially the youth of today, should be made aware to the fact that their aspirations to hold public/political offices in the country could be shattered should they follow the footsteps of the likes of Ken Kuranchie and/or Stephen Atubiga, where thought is was not actually given into their public utterances., leading to the unfortunate predicament they got themselves into.

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Finally, NDC Amsterdam would like to commend the work of the Supreme Court Judges, as well as Ghanaians for our patience and zealousness in wanting and yet respecting this case to take its lawful path. The Media houses and their representatives must all chip in by presenting to Ghanaians the real facts and truths about the proceedings and not become rumor-mills filled with propagators of half truths. NDC Amsterdam urges Ghanaians overseas, as well as investors keen on moving into Ghana to assist with the development programs/initiatives set by His Excellency John Dramani Mahama - led administration , to not let the invisible stalemate propagated by the opposition NPP scare them, instead they should all engage with the appropriate offices to facilitate and execute their quota towards our National development.****

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Long Live Ghana, and God bless us all.****

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A. Dodoo****
