Diaspora News of Saturday, 26 March 2011

Source: NPP-Germany

NPP-Germany Demands The Dismissal Of Two Ministers

The Germany Branch of the New Patriotic Party[NPP] would want to place on record our disgust and condemnation of the rather disparaging remarks made by Mr Kobby Acheampong, Deputy Minister for Interior and Dr Hanna Bissiw, Deputy Minister for Works and Housing about Nana Akuffo Addo, NPP Flagbearer.

The comments by the two Deputy Ministers is reprehensible and fall below all standards of acceptable behaviour and must be condemned and denounced by all right thinking Ghanaians irrespective of political persuasion.

It is indeed sad to note that since the NDC took over the reins of government in 2009, it has not just become fashionable; it has also become profitable for government officials to resort to the use of very abusive and offensive language against their political opponents. The logic being that the more insulting you are, the better your chances of being rewarded with a political appointment under the beleaguered Mills-Mahama administration.

In a multi-party democracy like ours, differences in opinion is inevitable and should in fact be encouraged because it is healthy for our constitutional and democratic development. However, our political differences should not in any way turn us into bitter enemies hence we can disagree without being disagreeable. Unfortunately, a substantial number of government officials, party leaders in the NDC and government ministers lack basic understanding and appreciation of elementary principles of democracy. As such anyone who does not share their point of view becomes an enemy who must be vilified and abused. This backward and outmoded mind set is a threat to national cohesion and unity and must be discarded if we are to move forward as a nation.

It must be said without mincing words that the conduct of Mr Kobby Acheampong and Dr Hanna Bisiw is an embarrassment to the President who appointed them and a disgrace to the government of which they important members. This should not be seen in isolation but should be viewed as part of a well orchestrated scheme to divert attention from the incompetence and failures of the Mills-Mahama administration. It is simply a diversionary tactics of which Ghanaians are well aware. Typical of all failing governments, the Mills-Mahama administration is now desperate and has resorted to desperate measures including the politics of insults and intimidation.

Great minds, it is said, discuss issues, average minds discuss events, while little minds discuss people .And true to this saying, Kobby Acheampong and Hanna Bissiw had neither issues nor events to discuss during their meetings with their supporters, so they decided as all little minds do, to attack and discuss Nana Akuffo Addo. They should be reminded that the issues that matter to Ghanaians are the economic mess that has been created by the failed policies of the NDC government, the lack of electricity and water, the unpaid teachers’ salaries, the massive corruption in government circles and the high food prices in the country. These are the issues to which Ghanaians demand answers, explanation and above all solutions.

What is more worrying is the fact that since these misguided comments were made, there had been no official reaction from the President. This is the President who was admonishing Ghanaians during his interaction with the media at the castle to eschew the politics of insults in our political discourse. His silence, whether deliberate or otherwise could only mean two things. Either the President supports and encourages such conduct or he has lost control of his ministers and appointees.In view of this we challenge the President to prove us wrong by taking immediate action against the two Ministers; failure to do so would only go to confirm the long-held belief that the President is being hypocritical, insincere and not acting in good faith.

Finally we wish to caution all government ministers, political appointees, party activists and the numerous spokespersons to be weary of their public pronouncements because the least Ghanaians expect of them is some amount of decency ,civility and basic common sense; and call on President John Evans Atta-Mills to bring his unruly ministers to order.

Long Live Ghana

Long Live NPP


Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

Director of Communications NPP-Germany
