Diaspora News of Friday, 13 December 2013

Source: NPP Germany

NPP Germany holds congress

The Germany Branch of the New Patriotic Party will go to congress on January 11 2014 to elect new executives to lead the Party for the next four years. The one-day congress which is scheduled to take place at Beutstrasse 21 in Dortmund is under the theme “Strategizing Towards 2016”.
The elections aside, the congress will discuss and come out with strategies to strengthen party structures, intensify membership drive campaign and also come out with creative and innovative ways of raising funds for the party.
The congress was slated to be held in Essen but had to be moved to a bigger venue in Dortmund so as to accommodate the huge number of people who will be in attendance both from Germany and abroad. All the local chapters in twelve out of the sixteen States that make up the Federal Republic of Germany have confirmed their participation.
Apart from the local chapters, thirty external branches from across the world have been invited and twenty four have so far confirmed that they will be attending the congress. The external branches that have agreed to be in attendance are as follows. Nineteen (19) from Europe, three (3) from the Americas and the other three (3) from the Asia Pacific Region.
A series of entertainment programmes have been lined up for participants at the end of the congress to enable party supporters to socialise, interact and network. Further information can be obtained by contacting the organisers on the following number. 00 49 176 21845702
Beutstrasse 21
44147 Dortmund

Kwaku Anane-Gyinde
Director of Communications
