Diaspora News of Monday, 27 February 2012

Source: NPP-USA

NPP –USA slams NDC


NPP-USA condemns Richard Quashigah and the NDC propaganda unit’s desperate and shameful diversionary tactics to shift Ghanaians’ attention from President Mills’s culpability in Woyome’s impudent thievery of Ghana’s money by recycling discredited attacks on the integrity of Nana Akufo-Addo, the presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party and calling on him to clear the air on NDC fabricated lies against him.

The NDC is panicking as the myth around President Mills’ so-called morality is breaking at the seams. His Hypocrisy and incompetence have been exposed; his amoral life style and sexual orientation have come into serious question. Instead of the Presidency and its “rented press” clearing the air on several issues, they seek to deflect attention by attacking Nana Akufo-Addo.

The President is emphatically not a moral compass to Ghanaians and the NDC obviously lacks the moral right and justification to question the moral uprightness of Nana Akufo-Addo based on their baseless fabrications and twisted facts for their myopic political expediency. Moronic and shameless NDC resort to chicanery epitomizes their intellectual bankruptcy and infantilism and such tactics will fail because Ghanaians are not gullible enough to erase from their memory despicable and amoral behavior of their president who purports to be a disciple of moral uprightness.

NPP-USA would rather discuss important nation-building issues but since NDC has courted a morality contestation with the NPP we find it expedient to expose the detestable moral decadence of President Mills.

President Mills conflicting statements, his parasitic relationship with Woyome and EOCO report evidently expose his conspiracy with the NDC party hierarchy to defraud Ghana. President Mills unsuccessfully proffered two mutually exclusive defenses on the Woyome saga: an initial plea of ignorance and a subsequent plea, via EOCO, of helplessness. He first feigned ignorance of the payment stating: “When this case first broke, I was in the US and I ordered the two ministries involved, at the Attorney General's Department and the Finance Ministry, to give me a report.” However the EOCO report revealed that the President had prior deep-seated knowledge of the Woyome payments and had twice directed the reversal of the judgment and the payment. Besides this contradiction, President Mills refused to act against his subordinates who blatantly violated his directives but he hurriedly fired Martin Amidu, who patriotically revealed the involvement of his colleague ministers in the gargantuan fraud against the Republic of Ghana. There is overwhelming evidence that President Mills and top NDC members were conspirators in the Woyome saga. Very devastating to his credibility is that President Mills and his NDC cohorts had parasitic relationship with Woyome. First Woyome financed the live-broadcast of the President's ostentatious multi-hour parade to pick up his nomination forms from the NDC party headquarters on May 6, 2011. “Friends of Woyome” revealed that Woyome used to pay President Mills’ medical bills. It has also been revealed that a substantial portion of the Woyome funds went to the NDC to finance the construction of its new $20 million headquarters. Finally, Woyome financed the trip of “party supporters” to South Africa for the World Cup (June 2010). It is evidently clear that this diabolical plan was hatched by NDC’s top hierarchy and President Mills and his NDC cohorts are conspirators in this scheme to defraud Ghana.

Second, President Mills has a moral responsibility to clear the air on the allegations of homosexuality against him. Philip Mensah Dzakpasu in his feature article of Friday, 17 February 2012 “Those Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones” (Ghanaweb, February 17, 201), reveals that the President leads amorous and reckless sexual lives with men. He states that President Mills has not slept with his wife Naadu for 20 years and currently has two male lovers, Alfred Kissiedu and Prince Obuobisa, who are students at the University of Ghana and the Institute of Professional Studies respectively. He went on to state that “ this is an open secret in the NDC yet people think it is none of their business what he does in private”, yet the NDC wants their opponent to come clean on frivolous fabrications.

Collaborating President Mills’s homosexuality is the revelation by his Minister per wikileaks that he has throat cancer that expert research found to be strongly correlated with male oral sex. Professor Maura Gillison of Ohio State University in a study found that “oral sex is a bigger cause of throat cancer than tobacco.” According to the study, “the human papilloma virus (HPV) spread during unprotected sex is to blame for a disturbing rise in potentially deadly oral cancers in the last few decades.” NPP-USA calls on President Atta Mills to prove his innocence.

Nana Akufo-Addo has not compromised his holy matrimonial vow by having a child out of wedlock as President Mills has done. President Atta Mills, a supposedly apostle of moral uprightness, cheated on his wife and has an only out -of -wedlock 19 year old son, Sam Kofi Atta Mills with Ruby Addo. Mills’ degrading adultery and the subsequent refusal by Mrs. Naadu Mills to welcome Sam Kofi Atta Mills into the Mills home has led to the neglect of Mills’s only son. The strange and bizarre relationship between father and son has psychologically impacted the young man. The President in guilt and shame has shied away from addressing this immoral issue of which most Ghanaians, except the NDC, demand an answer.

In conclusion, President Mills through his actions and omissions has moral and trust deficit with the people of Ghana and therefore lacks the moral credibility and capacity to lead this country. Undoubtedly, there is a paralysis of leadership under President Mills that has stalled Ghana’s development as manifested in mass corruption, unemployment, poverty, high cost of living, insecurity, anarchic political atmosphere culminating in political insults, and lack of official control. President John Evans Atta Mills does not deserve another term in office given his abysmal performance and it will be calamitous aberration to renew his mandate in December 2012

NPP-USA Public Relations Committee.