Diaspora News of Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Source: OKUSACA National Secretariat in New York City

OKUSACA To Inaugurate Minnesota Chapter

Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada (OKUSACA) To Inaugurate Minnesota Chapter at Minneapolis:

The Memorial Day holiday is approaching and once again it is time for the family of Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada (OKUSACA) to have their Annual Mid-Year Delegates meeting. This meeting will be held at Minneapolis, Minnesota from Friday, May 23rd to Sunday, May 25th, 2014.

The National Secretariat wishes to bring to the attention of all Chapters of the Association, the Board of Trustees and all invited guests that, participants for this auspicious meeting are to arrive on Friday, May 23rd, 2014 by 6:00pm for the Registration process.

OKUSACA Mid-Year meeting of delegates and observers has a paramount objective of formulating, discussing and establishing policies for implementation by the supreme body of the National Council of the Association. It is therefore imperative and obligatory for all chapters to be adequately represented for the deliberations.

The location of this meeting is at the spacious Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria Street North, Shoreview, MN 55126. For more information, please feel free to contact the Chapter President, Mr. Daniel Ofori-Som, at 763-464-9047, email krotwa@yahoo.com, or Mr. David N. Osafo at the OKUSACA National Secretariat at 917-647-1293, email osadav01@yahoo.com). After the business meeting on Saturday, May 24, 2014, there will be an evening event of entertainment and Fundraising, during which the Minnesota Chapter will formally be introduced and inaugurated to become the 9th affiliated member of OKUSACA. The evening event will be chaired by one of our own, Dr. (Nana) La-Kumi Sasraku, a member of OKUSACA Board of Trustees, and a renowned Dentist domiciled at Toronto, Canada.

Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada (OKUSACA), founded in 1985, has become a vibrant Ethnic Organization with Headquarters in New York City, having its main objectives as promoting unity among citizens of Akuapem, Akwamu, Anum and Boso Traditional Areas; engage in Community Service; enhance Educational goals and embarking on new and on-going projects to improve the quality of lives of people living in these Traditional Areas in Ghana.

I would like to mention here that the Mid-year Delegates meeting is a prelude to OKUSACA Odwira/Ohum festival annually celebrated over the Labor Day Weekend. This year’s celebration, with the Theme “Celebrating Okuapemman Unity and Peace for Effective Development”, which is expected to be special with pomp and grandeur, will be held at the prestigious Georgia International Convention Center, Atlanta, Georgia, from August 29th to September 1st, 2014. All roads will be leading to Atlanta for OKUSACA 2014 Odwira/Ohum Festival and we expect to see all citizens of Akuapem and Asuogyaman, retreat from their daily rigorous routines and other chores to camaraderie with friends to celebrate the recent eventual momentous resolution of the retrogressive 20years of Akuapem Chieftaincy Dispute which the OKUSACA Organization worked so hard to facilitate its accomplishment.

Ministers of State from Ghana, Municipal and District Chief Executives, all Divisional Chiefs, Queenmothers and other Traditional Rulers from Akuapem and Asuogya; and representatives of Okuapemman Associations from Europe, will be in attendance. The weekend will be an opportunity to mingle and exchange greetings with past Associates and friends you have not seen for a very long time - “Lost & Found Parade”. Don’t miss this opportunity this time if you were left out in New Jersey last year!
