Diaspora News of Friday, 24 August 2007

Source: Okuapemman Association of Atlanta

Odwira Town Hall Meeting in Atlanta

In preparation towards the 2007 Odwira Festival, the Akuapem citizens living in Gwinnett County, within the Atlanta metropolitan area organized a town hall meeting last night. Representatives from the Mayor’s office and delegates from the business sector of Gwinnett attend the meeting in their numbers. Addressing the gathering, Nana Akosua Oye Akobiri of Larteh, Akuapem iterated the theme for this year’s Odwira festival which is “Fostering Global Unity and Peace” she stated that peace for all people could only come about if there is a cohesive willingness to help each other, thus its incumbent upon the privileged few to help raise the living standards of marginalized citizens both in the United States and Ghana. Nana Akobiri emphasized that global peace is within the grasp of all mankind however greediness and selfishness robs us of our God given rights.

Representatives from the business league of Gwinnett wanted to know how they can help and what role they can play in the 2007 Odwira festival. The public relation officer of the Akuapem citizens, Mr. George Ofei itemized the sponsorship package outlined for the 2007 Odwira festivities and requested all interested business entities to email the secretary of the Atlanta chapter at gminta@hotmail.com

Accepting the baton of excellent service within the community, the President of the Okuapemman Association of Atlanta, Mr. Stephen Kumi invited all participants to come to the Odwira festival which will be held at the Kappa Omega Center on Saturday September 1st, 2007 at 3850 Stone Rd SW Atlanta, GA 30331 from 8p.m. - 3a.m; to witness a historic parade of African Kings and Queens as well enjoy an authentic dramatization of the seven-day period of the Odwira celebration.

This exquisite gathering ended with questions and answers forum and a vote of thanks delivered by Madam Adwoa Adutwumwaa.

Source Gloria Minta Okuapemman Association of Atlanta
