Diaspora News of Friday, 31 July 2015

Source: NDC UK

Re: NDC UK attempt to disrupt NPP UK meeting backfires

It has come to the notice of the NDC UK and Ireland Chapter a publication by the Secretary of the NPP UK –Dr. Kisi that ‘NDC UK ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT NPP UK MEETING BACKFIRES BADLY’.

We are surprised by this publication because NDC UK and Ireland Chapter and NPP UK branch have a very cordial relationship and therefore would not attempt to disrupt their meeting as published by their Secretary.

We have been inviting each other to our programs, our branch in Manchester invited NPP executives when Mr. Asiedu Nketia addressed our members in Manchester branch last year. NDC Manchester branch executives were also invited recently when Nana Addo met NPP members in UK at Manchester. It is therefore shocking to read this unsubstantiated wild allegation by NPP branch in UK.

Our attention has also been drawn to the publication that, a group of NPP members and concerned Ghanaians protested against the presidential candidate of the NPP, Nana Akuffo Addo here in UK.

We would like to state that it is true some concerned Ghanaians protested against Nana Addo here in UK; however, none of the protesters were NDC party members.We would like to stress that our Organizing Secretary did not lead any demonstration against Nana Addo.

The executives of the NPP UK should find ways and means of dealing with the concerns of members of the NPP and most Ghanaian residents in UK regarding the silence of Nana Addo on tribalism in NPP.

If Dr Kisi has been listening to morning shows on radio stations based in the UK and has seen some of the placards used in the demonstration, he would understand that for the past two weeks, Ghanaian residents in UK who have been calling in to contribute to radio discussions have been echoing the same concerns raised by the protesters.

Michael Frempong

(PRO NDC UK and Ireland Chapter)

July 30, 2015.