Diaspora News of Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Source: Wisdom Sekley

Ruthless And Calculated And Hidden Torture To A Disabled Ghanaian In

91 St Martins Close



The Consular
13 Bolgrave Square, London,
United Kingdom

Dear Mr Edward Kofi( The Consular)

FORMAL COMPLANIT (Strictly confidential)
I went to my GP in Edinburgh in 2005 with dried mouth at 1 Murhouse Medical Group. The doctor asked me. ‘’where do you come from’’ I responded; ‘’Ghana’’ He then asked; ‘’is Ghana not West Africa?’ And I said ‘yes.’ And he ended into conclusion that ‘that it is HIV/AIDS.’ I was shocked and replied ‘No, it’s not HIV/AIDS as I know I do not have HIV/AIDS’ He then said, ‘’go and check it’’
Although I challenged him instantly that I do not have HIV/AIDS I did the tests. HIV/AIDS, HEP C, B and other tests were tested. Everything was negative and I then gave a copy of the result to the GP practice as soon as I received it. Please see the attac hed medical results.
After three months of the first result, the GP practice took my blood to do another test which also was confirmed negative but my GP initially refused to give me the second results(their result) which lead to confusion between me and the GP practice as they did not want me to know that the results were negative was wrong before it was released. Please see their copy of the result bellow.
I then explained to the GP practice that apart from my disability as a result of polio I experienced since my childhood, I do not have any sickness or disease at all since I was born. They could also justify that since I have register with them I do not have any sickness or disease since 2005 till 2o11. We Ghanaians are very healthy and wel-looked after. HIV was not common in our country, Ghana or West Africa. The above explanation offended these doctors but I did not know. All along they were very nice but cunningly hunting me in secret and dark places.


As a result of that, I was put out of work for more than a year between 2009 and 2010 without any trouble(network) and I struggled mentally, financially, socially, physically and emotionally over this period.

In 2010, I got another job in social care sector, supporting people with both learning and physical difficulties With Autism Initiatives Scotland. Before I start this job, I repeated the entire test(HIV/AIDS), HP C and B as these were their problem for laying me off work, GUM clinic. The HIV/AIDS, HP C and B and others were negatives in January 2010 before I started the job application process. Please see the results.
I did saliva and fluid examination(test) at aural surgery since there was nothing in my blood because I was made me feel I had a disease but there was nothing at all according to professor. Please see the result bellow.

The GP practice (one of the doctors) made derogatory comments again which I did not understand, and as a result I asked if the practice if they still holding unto their assumption that I had HIV/AIDS because I came from Ghana, West Africa. The GP practice confirmed that since I have registered in August, 2005 until date I do not have any disease or sickness which would be a threat to me or the general bublic. Please see the copy of the letter from GP practice.

I started this job in June, 2010, and by August and September, I was being harassed and pushed out of this job. At this point I was unable to cope with the both disability and racial discrimination. I reported the case to black Community Development Project (now RACE) in Edinburgh. I was then referred to Ethnic Minority Law Centre for support.

When EMLC realised that the case was unbearable they forwarded the case to employment tribunal. My employer then apologised, through my lawyer, they me asked me to withdraw the case for settlement out of court which I did with the condition that those things will be stopped and I will continue working with them. Please see the attached notes.


During the investigation and settlement of the employment matter with my employer, Autism Initiatives, I was asked to work in the head office in Scotland.
During this time in the office, I asked permission from my former employer, Autism Initiatives Scotland, the assistant director, Kathy Stigman to go to hospital on the 31/01/11. I also informed my GP practice, Dr Jane Hill, at Murhouse Medical Group, Scotland while discussing on phone.
Just after the hospital, I could not sleep nor rest at all as I was extremely uncomfortable and in unbearable pain. I had a severe pain in my heart and in my flesh and joints. I was restless and disturbed confused as I did not know what was happening to me.
Although, I did not inform my employer about my feeling or what I was going through and the pains I experienced after the hospital, the assistant director did not allow me to work with them immediately I came from the hospital. The assistant director, asked me not to come mist, or not to come to the office again but to stay at home and she would pay my salary. Even the first few days I went to work after the hospital, none of my collogues was ready to come near me. No work to do and no one came to the office.
I went to GP practice, and saw Dr Treasure. I simply told the doctor that ‘’I have been in severe pain since I visited the hospital on 31/01/11. I would like him to help me to check it up as I have never experienced this heart, flesh, joint pains before in my life. I asked him if he could please do a blood check for me. The doctor could not say anything but went out. He went out for a 10 minutes, came back and apologized. He did not know what to do. He went back again for about another ten minutes, came back, and apologized gain. He now said that he would not check me but asked me to book an appointment to see Dr Jane Hill, who was aware that I was going to the hospital on that day. I begged him and pleaded that booking an appointment to another doctor would take sometimes, the pain had been very severe but he refused me treatment. And I had to go home in agony and mystification.
I had no choice than to manage the pain until the appointment time. When I saw my doctor, she had a man in her consulting room who she introduced to me as another doctor but I believed to be a police officer, recording my answers to their questions, which were about the time of going to Ghana. During their quizzing, I realized that they have done something terrible to me, now they want me to go back to Ghana. They should not have infected before asking to leave the UK. I shall live with people even in Africa or anywhere I go. Or Africa is the virus dumping ground for them.
She just quizzing me about my status in the country and the time I would like to go back to Ghana, if had any children in UK or Europe. These questions at this particular time appeared strange to me because she knew me since August 2005 until February 2011 as my personal doctor. I did not do the blood check and she did not ask me and I left as I was threatened my those questions.
I was shocked when I realized that a couple of days later that, the very doctor who refused my blood check after begging and pleading with him when I was in agony, called my flat mate, who was not even sick nor have any medical problem, tested her for HEP C and it was negative. This doctor then gave her hepatitis C vaccination, and indicated on the form given to her from the practice that the Hepatitis C vaccination would develop an anti-body against any Hepatitis C within three months period. I was shocked when I saw this results on my flatemate’s computer.
The point is she was not even sick but she was called for blood check and vaccination against Hap C while I was struggling to check or know what was happening to my body. They were preventing me her from Hep C infected with at the hospital. My confusion is that our doctors knew I did not have HeP C and we lived together in the same flat, using the same bathroom, kitchen and the living room. She does not smoke or drink or go out apart from work and home. Things became extremely difficult to understand and to cope with.
I was sick just after attending the hospital, I was refused medical treatment , I have been in pain, my employer asked not to come to work, my flatmate has been vaccinated against Hep C.
My flat mate did not even go to the hospital herself but the hospital called her during the time I was suffering in pain and agony and begging for treatment.
During this time I could not say anything. I became afraid of the practice and that was last visit I made to the practice.
Since they knew that I realized that something terrible went wrong or happened to me at the aural surgery, I have been placed under heavy, secret, deadly, abusive and torturing surveillance.
People trail me everywhere I go. I became scared as the entire situation became terrifying as I did not know what to do. I have to be careful of what I am doing and where I going as they do it in cunning and in hidden and undercover to avoid people’s attention. I spent most of my time in my room in pain and agony. Since that day I complained to the doctor that something went wrong at the hospital, I realized people have been following me although my heart and joint and flesh are severe pain after the aural hospital. I have been since extremely uncomfortable in my heart and in my body. Please see my flat mate’s vaccination while I was experiencing strange symptoms and yet they refused to treat me, but busy giving my mate Hap C as protections

I phoned and emailed some pastors for healing prayers. Eg Kenneth Copeland. He sent me healing scriptures, to recite daily? I then started going to church and become a committed Christian at Winners Church international.
ATTEMPTED BLOOD TESTS- After sometimes, I tried to do the blood test at the main hospitals as pain lingered in my heart and in my body but I was followed and intimidated. At this time, I realized that the trailing became aggressive so I confined myself most of the time in my room.
At this time, my employer, the assistant director also asked me not to come to work again but to stay at home and she would pay me for the whole month of February. Although everything became strange to me, I stayed at home and she paid me.
POLICE HARRASSEMENT. At this time the police officers started to harassed me wherever I went in Edinburgh and I had no choice than to resort to complaints in order to make my life easier. Please see the Police Formal complaint available
FORCED NURSE- Malicious Rumour-GP. Someone pretended to be a nurse to attend to me at this GP practice in order to have access to my medical records. When I They assumed I had HIV AND HEP C AND B. During this time the BLACK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT in Edinburgh supported me to complain about the incident.
I then decided to visit England for a blood check to see what happened to my heart and the body at hospital on 31/01/11 for treatment since I was intimidated and harassed in Edinburgh.
I took a night coach (megabus)from Edinburgh on the 6/04/11 at 10.30pm and arrived at London Victoria Coach Station on 07/04/11, at about 7.30am.
On the bus I notice two guys were watching me closely on the coach on the entire journey to London but I was quiet and calm on my seat. CCTV would reveal the pictures of these guys as one of them even sat behind me on the returned journey from London Victoria back to Edinburgh that night on 11.15PM Coach.
In London, I walked slowly towards underground station, but these guys following me until I went to MacDonald at London Victoria Coach Station instead of underground station.
As a disabled, my walk is very slow and moreover I was tired from nine hours journey from Edinburgh to London but these men were back behind me while observing my movement.
I sat in near the middle pillar in the MacDonald. In about five to ten minutes, one of the guys came and sat in a short distance behind me at exactly about 8AM. I looked at him but did not know what to do. He left immediately I took my phone out from my pocket, about to call the police. As a result of this intimidation and heavy trailing during my visit to London for the blood check, I decided to go back to Edinburgh without the blood test as I did not know what they had planed against me. It was extremely scaring and highly intimidating.
I wanted to stay for three days London but I returned to Victoria Station. When I was relaxing inside the station at gate 11, thinking of what to do, they came to the building from the other side. They then sent two black girls to me, asking for my plans for the day. All these actions and pictures could be revealed by CCTV in London Victoria Coach Station.
I then bought a new ticket for 11.15PM back to Edinburgh that day. These guys boarded the same Coach (megabus) with me, one them sat exactly behind me and the other sat in front of me.
In Edinburgh, harassment became more aggressive and unbearable as they know that I have been trying but struggling to check what happened to me or causing the pain in both my heart and in my entire body
At this cross road of my life, I did not know what to do. I gathered myself again I went to the police station (headquarters) in Edinburgh, on 21/04/11 in the afternoon and reported that I feel I have been infected at the hospital on the date stated on the letter because since that time I have been experiencing a severe pain in my body and in my heart. The pain has been unbearable since and my doctors failed to check me for treatment.
The police receptionist made a phone call after looking at the letter. They then told me that they have called for the uniformed officers on duty to come. They would be able to take me to the hospital for the checkup.
Two uniform officers arrived, took the letter inside the room for a while, came back, interviewed me for a while and decided that they would take me to Western General Hospital, which is about five minutes’ walk from the police station, for the blood check and the treatment. I greed.
At this point, the officers received a radio calls and went inside the inner room for a while. On the officers’ return from the room and on the radio, their initial plans to take me to hospital changed. They then told me that they would take me to the psychiatric hospital for the a psychiatric doctor for assessment.
I refused and explained to them that I have pains in my heart and body, not in the head. The more I tried to explain to them that I did not have mental problem but pain in my head the more they appeared not to listen to me but only doing what they wanted to do with me.
As my repeated explanation failed, the whole process becoming a huge argument, I eventually gave up and reluctantly allowed myself to be searched as they made up their mind.
I then enter their car and we went to psychiatric hospital in Edinburgh. One of the officers went into the room to see the doctors for a 20 minutes while the second officer was with me in the police car.
He then came, and asked me to come in. Inside the hospital, I was given a form to fill and I did. We waited for the doctors for about another 20 minutes in a small room.
The psychiatric doctor and the specialist arrived. I was called to assessment room. They introduced themselves and told me what they were going to do and how they would do it. They were really nice in doing the assessment.
The psychiatric doctors asked me why I was brought to this hospital. I explained myself. I told them about my pains since my hospital, visit and I felt something went wrong and I needed to check it up but instead the officers brought me here against my will.
They asked me series of psychiatric assessment questions from their assessment books while the other doctor was observing me and writing. We had break and came back for the second section, which was pure logical assessment. At the end of the two assessments, the psychiatric doctors met with the police officers first, before meeting me. The psychiatric doctor and specialist told me that according to their assessments, there was nothing wrong with me. They said they had told the officers already that I am mentally fine and sound and clever. The doctors said, there is nothing to do with mental health issues so the officer would take me home.
The doctors said they would write to me through my GP about the assessment, just to confirm what they have told me. The police officers apologized, and took me to the police station where I took my car and they followed me home.
There I realized that there a huge conspiracy against me even among the police force, so I needed to be careful for my life.
Since that day my life has been put under more controlled, manipulated, harassed, abused and tortured until now.
Nothing was mentioned about what I told them about the pain or blood check. I also told the psychiatric doctors and specialist during the assessment questions what happened to me just after the aural hospital when they asked why I thought I was brought to the mental hospital for. I also reiterate the pain I have been having since I went to the hospital and it’s increasing but nothing was done about it.
I lived indoors most of the time after this assessment as I was terified, both days and nights, unless I am going to church service or church members call me to take them somewhere.
ARRESTMENT BEHIND MY BACK. Immediately I left Edinburgh in April, 28th. The Edinburgh City Council and Scot and Co company organized a letter to an old flat they illegally evicted in 2010. This letter was about car parking charge for almost 2000 pounds which I was not aware of. The parking ticket they said I had was totaled and I paid to Scot and Co company. This letter was calculatedly returned to themselves, that pretending to be looking for me while they are aware I am in the UK as their spies are on me daily. They calculatedly sent this letter to court and judge behind me, convicted me for arrestment order from the court with the mind to The was calculatedly sent to my bank for taking money from my account. They intentionally wanted to drain my account as they already block career path and educational path, in order to over power me quickly as I would be stranded and struggled to cope financially. This would have made it easy for them to calculatedly send me with the infection they injected into me to Ghana. The question is I left Edinburgh in 28/4/11, why Edinburgh Council and Scot and Co company had not contacted me with 2008,9, 10 and 11 parking ticket until I left Edinburgh to England, London. I have all the evidence to support what I am saying. My bank(Barclays London) could also confirm it.
CONFIRMATION –All these confiemed that something bad happened to me at the hospital for challenging unbearable disability and racial discrimination and malicious rumour. They also know that any medical check or blood check shall reveal what they have infected me with at the hospital, so they desperately put me under heavy surveillance and set people, hospitals up against me in order to prevent me from checking myself for treatment.
I then finally relocated from Edinburgh on 28/04/11 to London but I have been placed under heavy and deadly trailed again so as to prevent me from finding out what happened to me at the hospital as it is a ruthless Human Rights crime against humanity. Because they are struggling and desperate to prevent me from exposing their atrocial hospital Human Rights crime that enforced on me at the hospital, which supposed to be a place for treating and curing sickness and diseases and infections, but not for infecting people just because they are black or from West Africa or challenged discrimination.
After coming to London, I made several attempt to do the blood check but intimidation and harassment had been too much for me and I became scared and very terrified.
KENTISH TOWN HOSPITAL - I did try at hospital at Kentish town, Royal free Marlborough hospital and Chase Farm hospitals on 7/05/11 in vain as they intimidated me through the way and at the entrance of the hospital and inside the hospital. I then left the hospital.
WORSE PAIN AFTER BLOOD TEST AT PRAXIS WALK IN CLINIC. Because they do not want me to check my blood for treatment and for cure, they keep on infecting me at the above two hospitals and told me everything is cleared while I am in perpetual pain 24/7. Just because they want to cover up Although I was heavily trailed to these hospitals; I went ahead and did test on 01/06/11 Archway health clinic Centre, Canden Provider Service, 581-889 Holoway Road, London, N19 5SE. Tel. 020 3313 5252, Fax 020 781 3838 and 22/08/11 PRAXIS, POTT Street, London, E2 0EF).
A few months later, someone just joined our church directed me to Praxi walk in clinic for the a total block check. I thought Praxis would be more helpful as they support the Ethnic minority people according to the person who introduced me. At the Praxis, I ended bringing more complex pain. My eyes, face and hearts prinks regularly, chilli pains moving in my legs, arms although also sent me text messages to tell me that the blood test was cleared. Just after the Praxis walk in clinic and I had to phone ambulance. I was taken to the hospital but the doctor said he would not do blood check for me. The pain moves in my body like chilly hot pain in my flesh and in my heart but because they want to prevent me from exposing their crime they had managed mental health people again to take me from the hospital. I presumed they put on uniform and the badges pretending to be psychiatric doctors attending to me. They invited me one day and tried to force me to take medicine to eat and sleep well while I have been sleeping very well. I then them that they have blocked my career path and educational path, how and where do they want me to get money to buy food, they control and harass, abuse me and put me under surveillance 24/7, just to prevent me from exposing their crime. Now, about 10 to 12 under cover cars follow me when I am driving. These cars take their turns in following me just because they do not want me to check.
At PRAXIS, POTT Street, London, E2 0EF, on 22/08/11, The doctor, who took my blood at the clinic, asked me to go for the urine sample which I refused as I had no intercourse with anyone for a while but she demanded as it was part of the test. When we(I and the manager of the centre) entered the small room, this doctor was handling other blood sample (red wish in plastic container) in container. Just before I came back from the toilet, I saw an opened syringe in a aluminium container on the table. Although I was reluctantly, she was adamant to use this opened syringe to take my blood. I refused initially but I eventually calmed down as she explained she just opened it and as a patience I do not have much choice as I was also desperate to check my blood for early treatment or cure of what they have been infected me with.
The last test was the worst pain I have ever experience in my life. I would like to establish the fact that because they do not want me to check and know what they have infected me with for early treatment or cure, they kept infecting me at these two hospitals but keep giving me fake documents and text messages to persuade me that the results have fine, which is very terrible in United Kingdom. As at now, my eyes, hearts, joints, and body pricks with a severe pain. There is a severe pain in inside my upper tommy, inside and under my ribs. I have been suffering from fever and headache but do not know what to do. The last hospital(Praxis) I visited was the worse and more traumatising one, as they were all aware what they were doing, including the manager as she took me to the doctor. Although, the Praxis, at Pott Street, London, E” 0EF, texted me twice that I have no disease or sickness or my blood test is clear but refused to give me the report in writing when I asked while I am in excruciating pain all over my body.
The manager who took me to lady for blood test also refused to talk to me when I was asking written result instead of text messages from them. Is this not suspicious? Please help me find out this before it is too late and I am suffering every part of my body. My entire body is as hot as a raw chilli in my flesh; the pain moves my legs and arms.
They keep infecting me since they do not want me to check or to know what they have done to me for treatment or cure. Because of that they hire security Surveillance Company to monitor me 24/7, even in the flat in order to know if I am taking any action to check my blood or to expose this abominable Human Rights crime.
After this hospital the pain became worse. My veins and heart are very chilly like hot pain. The pain is moving from parts of my body to another. (body/flesh/vein) The spies appear to control every system against me, including all the hospitals I went to.
Although I am in excruciating pain now, I am very scared to go to any other hospital or have GP as these three hospitals are very distressing and tormenting. The hospitals are being controlled and influence against me by these people. I have been infected twice since I have been trying to check myself or blood for cure or treatment from the pain.
The pains are painful, very excruciating in my heart, and my legs, arms muscles under my arms. I am suffering and in agony but can not go hospital as they might poison me as they appear desperate ruthless. The spies are hovering around me everywhere like a lions preventing me form checking for treatment or cure.
Despite the fact that I have no medical history, no disease or sickness apart from the disability, they have done something terrible to me but they are desperately preventing me from checking for treatment or cure. I know that they have done something terribly wrong to me as my heart is in constant pain but I cannot really tell exactly what they have done to me now because I cannot do the genuine blood test in the government hospitals.
On the 03/07/11, I took 121 bus from Southgate College to Arno’s Grove Station at about 8.20 AM in order to take underground. At the second bus stop from the Southgate Station a man boarded the bus. This man alighted at a stop just before Arno’s Grave Station but he walked quickly followed the bus to the Arnos Grove station. As soon as soon as I came off the bus he was there, at the station, watching me closely as he did on the bus. I stood there for a while. As I wanted to make a couple of call before getting to underground station, he was also standing there. As I moved towards the tube station after the calls, he also moved after me. I returned, he returned and stood there again. I waited for a while to see if he would leave but he was there with me.
Any time I wanted to take any action he would move towards my direction, and when I stopped he would stop or slow down. This man stood at the station, failed to take any bus. When he realised that I knew his reactions, he was following me, he didn’t know what to do, but became restless and then went and stood at the gate of Arnos Grove station car park. He was watching me from there, over the walls at the gate of the car park. He would make a quick move when I stepped forward or backward to the underground station. While he was at the station I look at the train map, he thought I was going in the underground. He then quickly rushed down, walked past the station when he when saw me.
As I became fed up, I finally went to the underground station to take the train and he quickly walked down to the station and stood just behind me. I didn’t know what to do, but walked ups and downs while waiting for the tube . The CCTV would give a vivid and clearer picture of what I am trying to describe here. I have been experiencing more terrible torture and harassment from these monitoring company or groups than what I am trying to describe here but most of them are very difficult to describe or report as they are very clever and experienced in surveillaling people or their clients. They are expects in trailing or surveillance for that matter they do it in such a way that I could not get any evidence to challenge them. Even if you tell people, they would not believe that they could behave in that manner. Added, they then turned round and tell people that the thing is in your mind while they know what they have been doing to me. They also know I know what they have been doing to me but hiding from the people or general public. You could imagine what I have been going through as black disabled person in this country, UK just for challenging discrimination and speaking my of mind, standing on the fact that I do not have the disease they assuming just because I came from Ghana or West Africa. It is ruthless and calculated and torturing to me as a disabled person. Now they are doing everything to cloud the situation as they are desperate and determined.
On the 28/07/11 at 10.30 AM, I was stopped by police officers when I was teaching a christian family sister a driving lessons. The two plain clothes officers were trailing us in a car for about 15 to 20 minutes. Just about five minutes after we started, a small silver car, Ford Fiesta with registration LX 05EAW was following us all over the place. I did not know that they were police officers following me for mistakes to convict me.
The female officer who dressed casually in sleeveless top was the driver, and the male officer also in plain clothes was on the passenger seat.
They trailed me on Park Lane, N9, They left us when we entered into All Saints Close, N9 was a small dead end. They continue to follow us as soon as we came back to Victoria Road, N9 and I was surprised how they were able to appear behind us after the dead end. I did not know they were just looking for faults in order to punish victimise me.
Driving for a 20 minutes, just before the end of the Victoria road we stopped. when I was explaining things to the Christian family sister, who was behind the steering wheel, the male officer came out, showed his police badge to me saying they were police officers. He then ordered us to go and park at Fort Street. They followed us in the car to Forts Streets.
When they came out from their car, my family Christian sister lady asked them, ‘’was there anything wrong with my driving’’ they answered, ‘’No’’ The lady asked again ‘’ then why did you stop us’’ male officer replied. ‘’You did not display the L signs correctly’’ which was not true. The lady asked him again. ‘’is that all?’’ ‘’The office replied ‘’we need to check ’’ My family Christian sister then told them that they could have just advised or showed us where or how to display the L plate correctly or where to put it rather than harassing us, and we would have done it. She then asked the officer ‘’ was it because we are black that is why you are doing all these things to us’’? but no reply.
These plain clothes officers combed, checked every single thing about the car, from (L )display signs to lights and everything and brakes. Once they could not get anything to incriminate me about the car they, they then moved unto meyself.
They checked everything about me including insurance, driving licence, date of birth, name, and address etc. but they could not get anything to me into trouble. As they could not get any fault to incriminate me at this point, the officers came to conclusion that they would have to arrest me for not confirming my address or not having proof of address on me. And I replied. ‘’That’s ok, since this is your office and you want to arrest me for not confirming my address, that’s ok’’. After a while, I realised that I had some letters in my back in the car.
I have unconditional offer to study HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE at De Montfort University in Sept. 2011.
I then went and took one of these letters to confirm my address to avoid any further delay and harassment since that was their problem. This letter was bearing my Student Finance England application. It was about student with disability for disability supports allowance at the University.
As soon as the officers saw this letter, they stopped everything, as their attention shifted onto the content of the letter for a while. The male officer quickly sent text message to someone with the content of the letter.
The officers then phoned for the confirmation of my address just after sending the test message with my school details. Please, the officer’s text message on that day and that particular time would confirm the phone number he sent the text to and who the person is.
A few days later, Student Finance England started to demand again my eligibility for the school fees and maintenance fees which were granted and confirmed after checking my eligibility including my passport. Meanwhile my passport and the EU dependant visas were returned returned back to me after checking my passport and eligibility for the student loan. Student Finance England restarting a check on my eligibility at the last hour, demanding thing I was not able to provide for the student loan they have already granted and confirm on my student loan database at their website. I even clarified and confirmed the student loan application with the officers of Student Finance England over the phone by asking if there was anything else needed to be done about the application and they said no.
The only thing they advised me to send to them was to send them the disabled student disability allowance form. Now SFE now sending me others letters threatening to block and cancel my student loan for my studies for this year if I did not provide my passport, which was too late for me. Consequently, my student loan was block, and the account was closed. My admission was left unattended. The school called and called me but there is nothing I could do and I did not know what to do by resort in tears as I bought books for this course for sometime back.
As the officers could not get anything about me and the car in order to convict me, they moved onto my family Christian sister, who was learning the driving. The officers check everything about her including insurance, address, status etc. Her insurance was comprehensive.
The officers phoned her insurance company asking them if her comprehensive insurance was allowed to drive any other car because she was driving a different car. We did not know what happened and the officer came back to tell us after a while that she was not allowed to drive any other car.
At this point the car was pounded; she was given 5 points on her driving licence and £200 fine. We also paid almost £400 before we were able to retrieve the car back.
The officers then phoned for road traffic police to come and press charge as they were road traffic officers. Road officers gave her the tickets for money and the points. The traffic police arrived and the charges and the points were discussed. We were stopped about 1.30AM and we were set free about 2PM, and I had to struggle to get home as I did not have any extra money on me.
On relocating to London on 28/04/11 as a result of torture in Edinburgh, on 03/07/11, I went to West Croydon, Main Day Hospital for medical check for treatment. On my way, two men were trailing me changing positions until I arrived. On my returned at London Victoria they came closer to me just before I enter the underground station in front of currency exchange. At the currency exchange at just before the underground station, one just fled when I stared at him in front of currency exchange at the London Victoria Underground Station. The CCTV in front of the underground station just before foreign bureau or Western Union at about, 6pm would give pictures of these people.
Added, just after an hour the first man fled, the second man took over when I was entering into the underground station. This second man also followed me into the underground station. I became scared when he was getting too closed to me. I just turned round to look at him when he was getting too close to me at entrance of the underground station. He jumped in panic and got confused when I stopped to look at him. He went back and forward, and then moved forward. He then quickly continued into the station. This could also be revealed by the CCTV at the station at about 7pm on the above date.
These are some of the cars following me everywhere and monitoring me from the flat I live, Their registration numbers would reveal what they do, where they have been registered for past six 12 months, CCTV footage could tell where and where they were for the past 6 months.
1. KF 57 WNN.
2. EF 10 RV This car trailed me for one week period until they realised from my action that I was aware of they are doing but the places I could confirm him is Edmonton Lidle, Edmonton KFC. The CCTV footage in Liddle car park and in the kfc, date (07/9/11) and the time(5PM) would tell exactly what I trying to explain. The following day this guy continue his trailing Enfield retail park, date (8/7/),TME (3PM) I was distributing my cv by then and he came entred the Sport Direct shop at the park. I then entered in my car and move from the area. The CCTV footage in the store and the car park would tell.
3. also monitor me.
4. (LR 59 WJ) Their registration numbers would tell, who or which company it belongs to.
5. LD 20 WO. Their registration should be able tell what they do and where live.
6. And LN 09 W. (date 28/9/11.) Port Street. I was unable to finish this one but I think the date and the street could be able to trace them from CCTV footage.
My life is highly threatened and in eminent danger as a result of the above. I would like you to help to protect my life. I am too young to be destroyed just cover their crime. I know what I have been telling you. You can not see it or them so please take my word and protect, treat or cure me as you represent my country. They are under cover, you can not see or know them but blood test or freedom of information request should be able to reveal what they have done(money spent). By God’s grace I am able to detect them on time daily. Please help me and you would see the result later. You would be shocked with the blood test and how they manipulated the NHS.
Dear Consular(UK), I would be very grateful if you could please support me to have my body and blood checked for appropriate treatment or cure at any secure private hospital as soon as possible so that my life is not wasted as I have been suffering for a while now. The more I try to have treatment, the more they infect me. A safe bloodcheck would reveal what they are doing or trying desperately but secretly to cover up. No one outside would be able to tell what I have experiencing but your national support would save my life.
Please protect me as they UK and USA protect their citizens in any nation. Please do not ignore me.
You could remember I drove from north London to your office but you did not take me seriously but I am pleading, and I would like you to pay particular attention to my health. They are infiltrating into organisations and using other black people to influence those can support me for treatment or cure simply because they do not want this Human Right Crime to exposed in the UK, especially using NHS to infect black disabled.
Also, they are plotting many things, divide and rule(torture) methods, strategies and tricks through some black in order to cover up crime while they are working hard, hunting me in dark and hidden places to get rid of me just to avoid this shameful disgrace to be exposed. I have never done anything wrong. I just told that in Ghana HIV/AIDS or Hep C or B is common but those diseases are from here. And my entire test was negative.
I promise you shall realise what they have done to me. Please help me so that my life is not wasted. They are very calculated but my blood test would reveal everything and for treatment and cure. Please treat me as I am unable to cope with the pain any longer. The pain is empowering me now. I promise you that the medical results from Archway health centre and Praxis are fake and manipulated. They are just covering up. Please take my worlds for it. I know what they have been doing to me without leaving any evidence to challenge to report them. I have very intelligence and sensitive to detect them by God’s grace.
Please do the blood the check for me and you would know that what I have been saying an going through.. Please do not worry about the money they spend in monitoring me. They have done something terribly wrong to me and they cannot afford to leave me to check it in order to expose them. Do your best for me as you are representing my country here. They are very wicked people and extremely cunny people, so please help me with the treatment. I have been living here for ten years and I lived across board, I know the system and I also know what I am saying. I am responsible for what I am saying.
I promise you they are monitoring me through the walls with infrared when I am sleeping just to protect this crime. Please believe me. I am ready to direct you to investigate yourself just for an hour. You would see everything yourself. I know what I am saying and I see what I am saying daily and they know I know.
Add, as my country or mother, I cannot say what is not true. I had a longsuffering for so long and I cannot bear the pain any longer. It’s too much for me to bear any longer.
Please help me as soon as possible. I would be very grateful if you could please help me with the blood check for treatment and cure as soon as possible as I am in agonising heart and body pain.

Please do not hesitate to ask me anything or question for clarification.

Thank you

Yours faithfully
Mr Wisdom Semahah Sekley

Human Rights Watch
2nd Floor, 2-12 Penton Ville Road,
N1 9HF,

Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Two United Nations Plaza,
DC2-1382 New York,
NY 10017
United States of America

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva,

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10,

Human Rights Council and Treaties Division
Complaint Procedure
1211 Geneva 10,

Africa Advocacy Foundation,
Ground Floor,
Carver House,
38 Carver Road,
SE34 9LT.

18-36 Wellington Street,
SE18 6PF.

African Health Policy Network (AHPN)
Suite B5, New City Cloisters
196 Old Street

Unit 2g 436 Essex Road,
N1 3QP.

11 Burford Road,
E15 2SP,

Central Africa’s Rights & AIDS(CARA) SOCIETY
18-22 Ashwin Street,Hackney,
E8 3DL.

Dr Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni,
P O Box M 53, Accra,

3rd Floor Trust Towers
Farrar Avenue
Accra, Ghana

P. O. Box GP 17202
Accra- Ghana.
