Diaspora News of Wednesday, 21 May 2003

Source: Kotoko Express

Support by Ghana Community was wonderful

A number of Ghanaian citizens are resident in Doula, Cameroun, where they make their living. On arrival we (Kotoko) were told Ghanaians could only be found in the capital city, Yaounde. It later proved to be false as a number of Ghanaians were to be met at the stadium of Reunification on Friday when Kotoko went there to train immediately the bus pulled up near the stadium gates.

We heard shouts of fabulous coming from nearby houses and soon a few men came to the bus. They exchanged pleasantries with the team and recounted how they have been moving from hotel to hotel in search of Kotoko since last Thursday.

They had been told Kotoko would be in town on Thursday so decided to find them and assure them of support. From that time, they became sort of vigilantes for the team, as they were ready to do anything for it.

They know every part of the Doula town so provided advice and counseled the team when necessary. After discussions with the IMC chairman, the men assured the team that there are other Ghanaians in the town and they would get all of them to support the team on Sunday. The others were not around because majority of them work with fishing vessels and were on duty.

True to their words they refused to leave the team and waited outside the hotel for the team whenever possible. When the team was refused usage of the stadium, they offered to help and were ready to take us to another pitch when FECAFOOT officials came in to change the plans.

These people were even threatened, but they followed the team. Not only that, they made sure food was no problem as they made Ghanaian dishes available to the contingent, especially the mediamen. They also showed us where to get Ghanaian dishes and other important necessities. Communication to Ghana did not become a problem as some of them offered their mobile phones to the players and the mediamen to use free of charge.

The only thing they demanded was victory by Kotoko. According to them it was going to be very difficult for them if Kotoko were to lose, so Kotoko should give them victory. They seemed to be so abreast of current happenings in Ghanaian soccer and asked of the whereabouts of Charles Taylor, Chibsah and Isaac Boakye.

To them Joe Louis seemed to be the one they know much about as they said they have followed his exploits from colts soccer. George Owu was however, the most popular among the players according to the Ghanaians.

Much credit is given to these people for everything. They promised taking the opportunity to come back home during the second leg.