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Diasporia News of Monday, 24 June 2024

Source: Northern Nevada International Center

World Refugee Day: Let’s amplify our voices to advocate for refugees’ rights - 2024 Mandela Washington Fellow

Members of the Northern Nevada International Center Members of the Northern Nevada International Center

On June 23rd, 2024, the Northern Nevada International Center hosted a poignant social event to commemorate World Refugee Day, bringing together community members, volunteers, and supporters to raise awareness and rally support for refugees worldwide. In solidarity with this important cause, Banasco Nuhu Seidu, a 2024 Mandela Washington Fellow and Executive Director of Nasco Feeding Minds from Ghana, participated in the event, encouraging others to join in supporting refugees and promoting inclusivity.

Joining Banasco Nuhu Seidu in his efforts were fellow 2024 Mandela Washington Fellows at the University of Nevada, Reno, including Reagan Masud, a conservative scientist, and Dr. Hamza Asumah, a 2019 Mandela Washington Fellow and MBA student at the University of Nevada, also from Ghana.

World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20, is a critical moment to acknowledge the struggles and resilience of refugees worldwide. It is a day to honor the courage and determination of individuals who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters.

Banasco Nuhu Seidu noted that by celebrating World Refugee Day, recognize the humanity and dignity of refugees, and reaffirm our commitment to supporting their rights and well-being.

"The significance of World Refugee Day lies in its ability to raise awareness about the growing refugee crisis and the urgent need for support and solidarity. With over 100 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, the refugee crisis is a pressing global issue that requires collective action. By coming together on World Refugee Day, we can amplify the voices and stories of refugees, advocate for their rights, and work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society".

As Executive Director of Nasco Feeding Minds, Banasco has dedicated his work to mitigating irregular migration through innovative programs such as IT Bootcamp and Code Academy, focused on digital literacy, skill development, and job creation. Making his organization's mission aligns with the spirit of World Refugee Day, highlighting the importance of addressing the root causes of displacement and supporting sustainable solutions for refugees and host communities.

He expressed that "through events like the one hosted by the Northern Nevada International Center, we can build bridges of understanding and empathy, and inspire others to join the effort to support refugees. By learning about the refugee experience, sharing stories, and engaging in meaningful conversations, we can break down barriers and foster a culture of welcome and inclusivity. On World Refugee Day, we recommit ourselves to standing with refugees and working towards a world where everyone has a safe and dignified home".

He therefore urged others to join in this effort, to amplify refugee voices, advocate for their rights, and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.