Diaspora News of Sunday, 11 August 2013

Source: Adofo, Rockson

A Clarion Call to Ghanaians to Demonstrate in London

? ?Once again, like a town crier, Rockson Adofo, on behalf of the Concerned Ghanaian Citizens resident in the United Kingdom, has had the reason to make this clarion call. He is sounding what may be a deafening bell, due to the urgency of the situation, to summon as many Ghanaians as may be available and possible to demonstrate on Friday, 16 August 2013, from 10:00 (in the morning) at the entrance to 10 Downing Street, the office and residence of the British Prime Minister.

?The objective of the Concerned Ghanaians for organising the pending "gargantuan" demonstration themed, "Justice and Peace for Ghana" is to strengthen the hands of the nine-member panel of Supreme Court judges sitting on Election 2012 case. The judges must resolutely be determined to deliver justice without fear or favour. They must be fair, friendly and firm without being induced by promises of favours, bribery or partisanship. ? ? A petition highlighting the progress on Election 2012 case with the attendant threats from certain quarters to flout any verdict to be delivered by the Supreme Court will be presented to the British Prime Minister, David Cameron. ?At this crunch time in the political history of Ghana, I shall invite all Ghanaians in Europe, particularly those in the United Kingdom and to be extra precise, those in London, to participate in the peaceful issues-related demonstration coming up as stated above and as announced on the airwaves.

?Ghanaians are to bear in mind that, "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his course succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot"------Mark Twain.

?The Concerned Ghanaians desirous to highlight to the whole world the strangulating official corruption in perpetuation by our politicians and particularly by the current government, invite you and your families to be patriots right from the beginning of the fight. We do not expect you to make a claim to patriotism after the battle has been won by those currently being hated and scorned for their bravery, by taking the bull by its horns. ?It is for the good of Ghana and the betterment of Ghanaians and posterity that the Concerned Patriots are coming out on Friday, 16 August 2013, to remonstrate against the on-going exercise of selective justice and official hypocrisy, killer-corruption etc. in Ghana.?

?For how long are we going to sit agape on the fence, twirling the fingers, hoping time will be the healer when our current leaders in government plunder the national coffers insatiably greedily? It is the right time to act as their quest for corrupt practices knows no bounds and their poisonous suffocating tentacles very long enough to reach their targets wherever they may be, e.g. the Supreme Court judges. ? ? Do we sit on our laps doing nothing while they tactically influence the judges through intimidation and probably promises of money or favours in kind to do their evil bidding? No way!

?Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia said, "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph". Therefore, I want to act at the right time. Do you want to be guilty of what the Emperor said by not doing the right thing at the right time? If you desire to live in the wisdom of his views, then join in the demonstration, an evidence you have to persuade posterity when questioned about your part played to getting rid of the evils of your time.?

?The demonstration will be given a live radio coverage by DJ Sources of Sources radio UK 96.3 FM, WBLS and Naspa radios and TV. ?

?That vociferous son of Kumawu/Asiampa, Rockson Adofo, the Voice?of the voiceless, the defender of the defenceless and the agitator for the truth, shall be there so be there!? ? ?On that day, the practice of selective justice, intimidation, official hypocrisy as on-going in Ghana shall be buried alive. Hope to the dejected, fairness in the application of justice and the hands of the Supreme Court justices sitting on Election 2012 case will be strengthened unimaginably. Kofi Basoah, a person to whom God revealed hidden secrets about Election 2012 wants to attend but he is not sure of obtaining a Visa. Anyway, never mind.? ? ? ?Should anyone tell you the police or the immigration officers will be around to harass or arrest people, tell the person "huuuuuuuuuuuu"! This has often been the ploy by the enemies of progress who are but partakers in evil, to ward off people from participating in good-courses events.? ? ?Directions to the Venue: 10 Downing Street, Westminster, London SW1A 2AA. The nearest Tube or Underground station is WESTMINSTER on the Circle, District and Jubilee Lines.?

?For further information, please contact the mentioned London-based radio stations. You can get them online on the internet.

?Please twit this message to your friends. Post it on your Facebook. Share the message with your friends. Tell it to your friend and ask your friend to share it with their friends. Escalate the message worldwide if you can. ? ? ?COME ONE, COME ALL! ? Rockson Adofo?
