Ghanaian gets international award

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  • Emil Akoma 8 years ago


    Is this writer in anyway related to you?

    Best regards.

  • uyhiugolh 8 years ago

    wao, i bet the person who wrote this piece is either related to this Mr Kutortse or this is just a case of pathological fawning.

    And as is the case in the close-minded culture we live in, he tells the readers that the reas ...
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  • Rebel 8 years ago

    Hi, Princess, please provide your Whasapp and imo numbers so that those gentlemen, including me, who are interested in you can better contact you.

  • king 8 years ago

    Shallow mind like you..
    You are the reason for illiteracy in the country....

    does the fact that you are alive and you thank your supreme being means you were better off than those who died ? or those who died was because ...
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  • Rabonzy 8 years ago

    Very deserving!