Abeg: (I beg) Please

Aben wo aha: It's ready! Also a double entendre! The singer Daddy Lumba's 1999 album was called this and the photo had him pointing to his crotch.

Abongoman: Soldier, Military personel, Hustler

Aboski High Water Trousers; Usually above the ankle.

Adjoa-Yankey: Tye and Dye; Batik

Adia: Food

Aduro: Asylum Seeker

Afro Moses: Shoes made from car tyes; Very Cheap

Agatha: Candy or Toffee on a stick

Agege: Nigeria; Agege is actually a Lagos slum, populated by Ghanaians during the 80s "oil-rush"

Agony: Love

Agya Kusi: Jacuzzi.

Alarmblow: A destitute/Poor unemployed man

Alomo: Girlfriend.

Alorsman: Smart guy; crook

Akpeteshie: Locally brewed achohol; made from palm wine; aka: Apio, Ogogro,hot,

Anti-so: Anti Social person

Antipe: Put on a dress up without underwear

Apalahala: Midget

Apio: akpeteshie, or locally distilled rum

Aplanke: Ticket Collector of a tro-tro. Sometimes refered to as driver's mate. Job Training

Apo: Information

Apollo: Conjunctivitis. (an epidemic swept Ghana around the time of the Apollo 11 moon landing hence the name)

Apuskeleke : Tight fitting trousers; Girls that like to wear tight fitted pants which displays their shape/curves.
Some Ghanaians use the words to describe the Britney Spears-inspired western clothing worn by many women in Accra, and others use it as a term of affection. Yelling "Hey, Abus!" seems to be the equivalent of "Hey, you look hot tonight.

Ashawo: Prostitute; another term is Two-two

Asokpo: Ugly Woman

Assemblyman: Political suit

Aswe: I Swear

Attache: Someone always following people when he/she hasn't been INVITED.

Aunty: Any older female. Used when first name terms not appropriate.

Awam: Fake. During the colonial days 'Awam' was an Association of West Africa Merchants owed or operated by the coloinial powers/the local rich folks. Because these people were not faithful to their promises, that is why the word 'AWAM' became known for unfaithfulness, cheats etc.

Azaaman: Dubios person
