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Politics of Saturday, 29 June 2024


Napo's selection excites, his weaknesses deemed advantageous - NDC UK

Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh

Fiifi Asante Mpare, the Deputy Communication Officer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) UK and Ireland Chapter has expressed that Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh is unqualified to be nominated as a running mate.

The Vice President's decision to choose him is seen as positive news for the NDC, as he poses no threat to the party.

In an interview with Rainbow Radio 92.4FM in the United Kingdom, Mpare pointed out that Dr. Opoku Prempeh's various flaws could work in the NDC's favor.

He emphasized that the NPP's choice of running mate pales in comparison to Prof. Naana Opoku-Agyemang, who is deemed more credible, competent, and skilled enough to partner with a presidential candidate to win an election.

"We have been waiting for this moment, and now that they have settled on him, we are not concerned. His selection is not a threat to our campaign. Whether he is arrogant or incompetent doesn't bother us.

"In fact, we are excited about his selection by his party. We are aware of his weaknesses, which will undoubtedly work to our advantage. The selection of NAPO is good news, and it marks the beginning of real politics. We intend to use his weaknesses against him," he explained to host Dr. Ren.

Furthermore, Mpare urged Ghanaian voters to overwhelmingly reject the governing NPP, accusing it of damaging the economy and exacerbating the hardships of Ghanaians.

He also stated that the former Trade Minister, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, now the founder of Movement for Change, lacks the qualifications to be president, citing his involvement in the issues plaguing the nation and his failure to operationalize the Komenda Sugar Factory.