Entertainment of Thursday, 30 May 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

'I want a man who will worship me, I'm my mother's only child' – Ahuofe Patricia

Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, popularly known as Ahuofe Patricia Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, popularly known as Ahuofe Patricia

Actress Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, better known as Ahuofe Patricia has opened up about her criteria for a potential life partner.

For Ahuofe Patricia, a man who prioritizes her in his life is highly desirable.

She values being with someone who sees her as a significant part of their world.

Growing up as her mother's only child, Ahuofe Patricia has been accustomed to care and affection. Therefore, she seeks a partner who will treat her with the same level of adoration.

Speaking on Joy News' Prime Morning show, Ahuofe Patricia expressed her desire for a partner who cherishes her immensely.

“Someone who is going to worship me like I’m the best thing ever to happen to him. I’m my mom’s only child, and I’m really overpampered, so he has to worship me.”

When questioned about the importance of financial stability in a partner, Ahuofe Patricia humorously remarked, “If you attend a church, don’t you sing songs of praise for offering sessions? So you can't do all of that if you’re not in good financial standing.

Additionally, Ahuofe Patricia emphasized the significance of generosity in her ideal husband.

Despite societal pressures and criticisms regarding her single status, Ahuofe Patricia remains content with her current situation.

She doesn’t feel rushed to enter into marriage and is comfortable waiting for the right opportunity.

However, Ahuofe Patricia remains open to the possibility of marriage if it aligns with God’s plan and if she finds a partner who meets her standards and values.