Entertainment of Monday, 21 August 2023

Source: mynigeria.com

4 interesting things about ‘adulting’ in this era

File photo of a confused lady File photo of a confused lady

We all wanted to be grown-ups so bad and enjoy all the liberty it comes with it. However, there are moments one may be compelled to wonder if the rush to grow up was really worth it. But not to fret, here are four bright sides to becoming a young adult.

We become more self-conscious

When looking into the mirror every day, you begin to question, who you are? Who you have been? and most importantly who you are becoming?.

You understand the value of work and money

Unlike the juvenile days when money was free, as adults, money no longer bears the same definition. In order to provide for basic necessities, it is critical to have jobs that will compensate us financially. For this reason, money is now seen as a return for value; And for this worth, we appreciate and cherish the job more especially when it brings personal fulfilment.

We can now vote

Unlike when we could not contribute our voices to political issues and governance, now as adults we can. Considering legally adult citizens have the right to choose who occupies public offices, it becomes a civic duty every adult is privileged to perform.

We can know what and who is important

As children, one of the biggest flexes was having a ton of friends to play with. But as adults, you come to understand the need to keep your circle small and the importance of making the right connections. Unlike feeling the overwhelming pressure to be everybody’s friend. As adults, we also come to terms with what is more important. We begin to set priorities regarding overall health, finances, relationships, etc. Unlike when everything was vague as kids, as adults, things become clearer.