Entertainment of Monday, 16 May 2016

Source: zionfelix.com

Ahoufe Patri puts her boobs* on display

Ahuofe Patri Ahuofe Patri

People of Kumasi also had the chance to watch the movie of the moment, Amakye & Dede on Saturday, May 14 at Miklin Hotel.

This was after Kofas Media had toured many cities in the country making sure fans of the casts in the movie have had the opportunity to have a one-on-one interacting with them.

There was noway Amakye & Dede could be premiered in the Garden City without Zionfelix.com around to give you a true reflecting of what happened on the night of premiere. Ahuofe Patri was at the premiere with Kalybos, Roselyn Ngissah, Moesha, Yaw Dabo and few other known personalities.

Check out what Patricia wore on the night.