Entertainment of Wednesday, 22 February 2006

Source: GNA

Basic School receives award for drawing competition

Accra, Feb. 22, GNA - Calvary Methodist Basic I Experimental School in Accra on Wednesday received two table-tennis boards and five cupboards worth five million cedis for winning the first prize in a nationwide drawing competition.

Master Desmond Anaowsu, 16, a former student of the school, won the prize for the school in December 2005 when his drawing on the theme: "Fate of Older Women When Their Husbands Die", was adjudged best from 32 schools in the 14 years old to 18 years old category of the competition. His entry also won the first prize in an international drawing competition organised by HelpAge International for 10 African countries last year. Presenting the award, Mr Soung Jacob Lurobire, Project Officer for Helpage, Ghana, said the competition formed part of a two-year human rights programme to sensitise young people on issues concerning the aged.

He said Master Anaowsu had been presented with a personal award of 125 pounds. The Reverend Mrs Patricia Foli, Headmistress of the School, said the youth had a lot to learn from old people in society and lauded the organisers for the initiative. She said organisations should always be willing to help young people develop their talents and contribute meaningfully to national development. She said the items would help to meet the school's academic and recreational needs.