Entertainment of Thursday, 19 November 2020

Source: GNA

Bill Asamoah, Kwaku Manu were not truthful - Lilwin's PRO

Kumawood actors Lilwin and Kwaku Manu Kumawood actors Lilwin and Kwaku Manu

Okyeame Akwaada Nyame, Public Relations Officer for popular Ghanaian actor cum musician Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin says Kwaku Manu and Bill Asamoah twisted facts just to shed Lilwin in bad light.

These assertions have come up after Lilwin, Kwaku Manu, Bill Asamoah, among other stars clashed on United Showbiz program last Saturday to discuss issues pertaining to the downfall of Kumawood.

According to Akwaada Nyame, the inability of Lilwin's non-appearance on Kwaku Manu's "Aggressive Interview" was solely a management decision.

“Management didn't like the way the interview was going to be conducted. We realized that appearing on the show could damage our brand considering the issues during those moments thus regarding his former manager and wife, " he said in an interview.

Responding to claims by Kwaku Manu which suggested that Lilwin declined to feature on his TV series, Akwaada Nyame said, "Lilwin only suggested he sought out sponsorship for the series to make the production better and more quality because Lilwin had agreed to feature on it."

Akwaada Nyame further explained that he was surprised that Bill Asamoah demanded a script before making an appearance on Lilwin's new TV series.

"Bill Asamoah had twice featured in Lilwin's movies where he never demanded scripts. So I was surprised about his claim about the lack of professionalism on the part of Lilwin," he revealed.

He added that Lilwin had good intentions of making the Kumawood Industry vibrant again that is why he decided to involve all actors as well some music stars to give the series that needed attention.