Fashion of Monday, 7 December 2015


Check out Joselyn Dumas outfit to 2015 Future Awards

Joselyn Dumas Joselyn Dumas

Yesterday, December 6, 2015, Future Awards held in Lagos which attracted the brightest and youngest minds Africa has to offer.

At the black carpet of this year’s edition of the annual event, two African hotties met and shared a moment together.

Hot Nigerian singer Waje and the curvaceous actress from Ghana Joselyn Dumas took a picture together on the black carpet. It’s a lovely picture.

Today (December 7, 2015), Joselyn Dumas shared the picture on her Instagram, and praised Waje.

“At the Future awards with the sensational @officialwaje, you are an amazing woman. Congratulations to all nominees and winners, the future indeed belongs to us” she captioned the picture.
