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Entertainment of Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Source: Stephen Nana Asare

Choose Life Ghana readies for 'Brave Not Broken' symposium on Friday

The event will kick of at exactly 9am The event will kick of at exactly 9am

Choose Life Ghana is an organization established in Ghana , with a prime objective of tackling suicide related issues.

Addressing such issues through a talk , Short films on suicide and social networking, Choose Life Ghana in partnership with the National Services Personnel Association on Friday 10th May , 2019 commence another edition of it's annual symposium and this year, it's dubbed "BRAVE NOT BROKEN" , At R.S Amegashie Auditorium*(University of Ghana, Business School).

Categorising the event into five(5) solid segments, the event will kick of at exactly 9am with Drama & Film Premiere followed by Lecture & Presentation , Share to Inspire , an opportunity for Questions & Answers , Social Clinic and many other other activities.

Hon. Lydia Seyram Alhassan , John Dumelo , Angela Larko Djabatey(President G/A Of Naspa) , Ecow Smith Asante , Fumey Kafui Dorcas ( Founder Choose life Ghana) , Gloria Sarfo (Actress) , Aku Sikah (Actress) amongst other dignitaries will grace the occasion.

The Event is absolutely free for all. Kindly visit Choose Life Ghana social media pages for more updates.
@chooselifeghana on all social media pages.