Entertainment of Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Source: ghpage.com

Confirmed: Kelvyn Boy ‘sacked’ from Burniton Music Group

Kelvyn Boy and Stonebwoy Kelvyn Boy and Stonebwoy

Earlier today, Ghpage.com reported that CEO of Burniton music, Livingstone Satekla popularly known as Stonebwoy had terminated the contract of his Signee Kelvin Brown popularly known as Kelvyn Boy.

We promised to bring you the press release as soon as it was released. As promised, we have come with authentic updates on the recent development in the BHIM nation camp.

The press release reads;



As announced by the Chief Executive Officer of Burniton Music Group Limited (the Company) during recent media engagements, the Company has recently been in the process of auditing its relationship with its officers and associated acts, for the purpose of re-organising its internal structures. The audit process was completed today and the purpose of this release is to update BHIM Natives and the general public on its conclusions.


Mr. Kelvin Brown (Kelvyn Boy) and the Company entered into an agreement dated January 22. 2018 which, to a large extent, governed the relationship between both parties (the Agreement). The Agreement had an initial term of one (1) year, and provided the Company with an option to extend the tenure for a further period of four (4) years (the Option).

The Company did not trigger the Option. Accordingly, the contract extension period under the Agreement did not take effect after the Agreement expired on January 21. 2019.

The above notwithstanding, the Company has continued to work with Kelvyn Boy until now, under the terms of the Agreement. Following the audit, the Company has considered the expired status of the Agreement as well as the conduct of Kelvyn Boy during its tenure, and has decided not to trigger the Option. Consequently, the Company has decided to release Kelvyn Boy from the Agreement and he has been duly notified of this decision. Accordingly, Kelvyn Boy ceases to be an artiste under the Company and will no longer be associated with the Company and/or the BHIM Nation brand. We wish him success in his future endeavours.


Burniton Music Group Limited


Earlier Story:

A few days ago BHIM Nation signee, Kelvyn Boy issued an apology to Stonebwoy after Stonebwoy in a recent interview declared that Kelvynboy has been ungrateful and disrespectful to him despite all he had done to help his music career.

As Ghpage.com reported, the said apology has been rejected by Stonebwoy on the grounds that, he believes Kelvyn Boy isn’t truly sorry but only apologized to look good in the eyes of the public.

In a recent development, Ghpage.com has received reliable information that Kelvyn Boy has been sacked from Burniton Music group as Stonebwoy has failed to renew his contract following his declaration that Kelvyn Boy is disrespectful.

According to the source, they are about to issue a press release to confirm.

The source said;

"As we speak, Kelvyn Boy initially signed a 4-year deal with Stonebwoy’s BMG, and the 4 years was done, but because of all that’s happening between both parties, as I tell you this filla, both have not renewed the contract and before this week ends, a press release of they going their separate ways would be made available to the public.”

The source added;

And so it’s official, both camps have not renewed the contract and it’s over between them, they have failed to reach a suitable agreement between both parties, and so, press statements gonna be released before the week ends to officially confirm all that I’m telling you exclusively”

Keep visiting this portal as we bring you prompt updates on the state of affairs in the BHIM Nation camp.

More details soon.
