Entertainment of Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Source: Kelly Nii Lartey Mensah

Cookie is best start to the new RTP Awards experience

Cookie is host of Tales from the Powder Room Cookie is host of Tales from the Powder Room

Shirley Tibilla known on the stage as Cookie knows how to serve the expectant Ghanaian audience. For her first as host of such a major event, the Tales from the Powder Room host served as co host for 2018 Radio and Television Personality Awards, reminding us of the importance of such a scheme.

Shirley kicked off the evening with her eloquence and charm by addressing the audience in a warm welcoming tone - before bringing the laughters up with her creative joke about Akrobeto being her favorite news presenter. Her opening was sweet because she was precise and articulate with her words. She did not allow heavy presence of dignitaries in the front row intimidate her.

For those who did not know much about Shirley Tibilla, her appearance on the night presented a sense of unpredictability - especially that organizers kept news about she being the host of the night in secrecy. This current edition of RTP Awards undoubtedly presented weight of responsibility on the event managers to redeem the brand from hash criticisms and public backlash.

Stage etiquette

It is not new for event hosts of the kind to exhibit different classes of style and design by appearing in varied clothes at various segments of the event. From golden gowns to African inspired clothing, the exquisite fabric brought Cookies well cared-for skin to glow under the spotlight as she ravels enjoying her role as the center of attention at a night where top media guru were being celebrated.


What Shirley knew for sure was her new role. She was being presented fresh to GHANA on a larger platform - as composed as she was, she never over did her pleasantries. She never for granted the need to interact with her audience at a time when a speech from musician, Wendy Shay might have unwittingly calmed a hitherto jamming audience. She moved to Gloria Sarfo, an actress she knew and asked her few questions. “That was it it. It sealed it. Very impressive how the voice of Gloria can condense the atmosphere and bring back the energy the night needed” - one attendee opined.

So, has Ghana been presented with yet another exciting and intelligent female MC? Your guess is as good as mine - Shirley Tibilla is here to stay.