Entertainment of Sunday, 5 November 2017

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Counsellor Lutterodt in a daze as three ladies sandwich him

Counselor Lutterodt looking stupefied between the 3 women Counselor Lutterodt looking stupefied between the 3 women

If you ever thought that controversial counselor who doubles as a pastor, George Lutterodt never has a weak side with women, then you might probably be in shock seeing the picture attached.

Ghanaweb spotted this picture of the counselor in a compromised position, during the just ended 2017 RTP Awards which took place at the Accra International Conference Centre.

The “emotional fixer” as fans call him, looked very “stupefied” as he was sandwiched by three beautiful women dressed in black.

With one standing closely infront and the other two just behind him, Lutterodt expression cannot be described, as he’s being grabbed at the waist with the hands of the second women almost touching his ‘specials’.

Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network led the pack of awardees by scooping fifteen (15) prestigious awards at the 7th RTP Awards.

The seventh Radio, Television and Personality awards honoured