A tenant in Osu who controversially transformed his landlady’s property into a nightclub has been ordered by a court to personally dismantle all unauthorised structures he erected on the premises.
In a video circulating on TikTok, it has been alleged that the landlady, prior to this directive, offered compensation for the tenant’s investment in the modifications he made to facilitate the nightlife activities.
However, he reportedly rejected the offer.
In a bid to reclaim her property, an excavator was captured in a viral video, tearing down parts of the nightclub as lawyers, and police officers supervise the process.
According to the narrator in the video, the tenant is particularly aggrieved over a leaked video showcasing the nightclub activities, which allegedly surfaced online due to the landlady’s daughter.
This entire development has since sparked discussions online, with many questioning how the tenant was able to make such drastic modifications without prior approval.
Meanwhile, the court’s ruling has reinforced the landlady’s legal authority over her property, bringing an end to the nightclub’s operations.