Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Source: Daily Guide

Daily Guide: Plot to kill Obed

Dr Yao Obed Asamoah, former Foreign Minister and Attorney General and currently founding member of the Democratic Freedom Party has said recent death threats on his life were without doubt politically motivated.

Describing the move as desperate mission by his political opponent, the septuagenarian said he had no doubt in his mind that those behind the series of recent verbal and threat message threats were sympathizers of his former political party, the National Democratic Party.

“They are threatening my life out of desperation. But the irony of it all is that the very people who wanted me out of the NDC and called me a confusionist are now developing goose pimples and feeling jittery of the DFP,” he said.

Obed who said he had since reported the matter to the Bureau of National Investigations and other security agencies said the latest one was from the user of Areeba number 0246709522 warning him to desist from making any comments on the NDC founder, Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings if he valued his life.

The text messages read: “Obed, when did you know that the NDC is a violent party? And you referred to JJ as a con man; I tell you that if you stand before people to campaign against the NDC you would die a painful death that you would never understand”.

Asked whether he did not think another political party could orchestrate such a move to smear the opposition NDC, he said; “I am taking the message on its face value and it is clear to me from the content that certain NDC sympathizers are behind it. I believe in the competence of the security people to handle the matter because criminals cannot have their day forever”.

He said such threats had become so rampant that he found it necessary to report to the security agencies. He alleged that the faceless people went ahead to state that they would either kill him on his farm, in his house or at Lipke, his home town.

According to him, even though he was not the least frightened, he considered it serious in the face of the gruesome murder of Samuel Enin, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the GJA and its attendant text message threats on the lives of Kwaku Baako, Egbert Faibille and Halifax Ansah Addo.

“The way that guy was killed in Kumasi had more to it than meets the eye. Those behind it were not mere armed robbers because they killed him without taking anything else. Such things are dangerous for the unity and stability of our country,” he said, stressing that ongoing developments had gone to buttress his worries all along that the struggle for power in 2008 would be acrimonious.

He said never in his political career had he attacked the personality of his opponents, let alone be made derogatory remarks against them, contending that it would be absurd for anyone to ask him to refrain from something he had never done in his life.

As to whether he still had the nerves to visit his village in the Lipke Traditional Area in the Volta region or any such place where he could be ambushed he answered in the affirmative.