Fashion of Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Source: Avinash Entertainment

Davosmog Smocks: Taking the Ghanaian culture international

Davosmog Smocks Davosmog Smocks

Davosmog is a northern based fashion organization that specializes in the production and sale of elegant Ghanaian smocks of the highest quality to local and international markets.

It deals with smocks of all kinds, colours, and designs for men, women and children.

Davosmog's ultimate goal is to produce, market and distribute originally made smocks from Northern Ghana both locally and internationally.

Through its hard work and commitment, it is promoting African culture and heritage to international communities.

More so, it aims at giving the weaver, craftsmen, designers and all stakeholders involved in the production of smocks, value for their works and advertise their craft to the entire world, showing it's uniqueness, quality, and standard among others.
