LifeStyle of Friday, 26 May 2023


Dear GhanaWeb: I startlingly fell in love, sacrificed everything, and now seek closure

File photo of a worried man File photo of a worried man

Dear GhanaWeb,

I fell deeply in love with a captivating woman, and I was willing to make significant sacrifices in order to build a future together with her.

During our time together, there were moments when she would collaborate on small ventures, such as selling fried yam and pork in her school and I would run errands to ensure she had gas for cooking. I gladly supported her in these endeavours.

Unfortunately, something went awry along the way, and she has been ignoring me for over a year now. I remain hopeful that she will eventually reconnect with me, but the lack of communication has made it difficult for me to find closure and move on.

In this situation, I'm unsure of what steps to take. I yearn for closure in order to facilitate my healing process, yet she remains inaccessible.

What should I do in such circumstances?

Dear GhanaWeb is a relationship and lifestyle advice column by GhanaWeb where the GhanaWeb audience responds to your questions and problems about relationships at home, work, and beyond. Share yours with GhanaWeb