Rumor Mill of Thursday, 4 November 2004

Source: Lens

Disguised Party Vehicles To Be Used In Criminal Activities.

Lens impeccable sources in the Sunyani West Constituency in the Brong Ahafo region indicate that the NPP is hatching yet another sinister plan to cause mayhem during the period of the electioneering campaign, and on the voting day.

The facts as disclosed by our sources within the NPP in the constituency reveal that, the ruling party took a deliberate decision not to paint most of its numerous ill-acquired campaign vehicles in party colours. The party plans using these vehicles to unleash terror on the electorates as part of the Regime's desperate efforts to hold on to power at all cost.

As a result, the party has chosen the alternative of pasting campaign posters of their presidential and parliamentary candidates on these vehicles which could be easily removed to facilitate the easy usage of these vehicles in carrying out the sinister plans the party has in mind. This is also to make it difficult for easy identification of which political party the terror squad belongs to.

By so doing, the NPP would then have the opportunity to set its propaganda machinery in motion to criminally skew the issue by pointing accusing fingers at the NDC. This propaganda theory of the NPP played at full length in the 2000 elections when all manner of evil deeds believed to have been perpetrated by the Kufuor-led NPP were atrociously spun to cause disaffection towards the NDC. In the minds of most Ghanaians, the prominent one among these was the barbaric serial killings of the 34 women.

Serious note must be taken of the fact that, but for the timely intervention of Messrs Kwesi Pratt, Tweretwe Opoku and Guzi Tano who fought hard to stop Mr. Kufuor and his gang in his (Mr. Kufuor's) house, they would have attempted throwing this country into a civil disorder before the results of the first round were announced.

Our information hinted that the government intends to use some of these disguised vehicles in conveying voting materials, on voting day under the pretext of helping solve the problem of either the unavailability or apparent breakdown of EC vehicles, so as to deliberately delay these materials to areas where the NPP has less support. It would be remembered that Hon. Isaac Amoo, the rejected NPP MP for Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency in Accra, used his vehicle during the voter registration exercise in this same manner, claiming he was only being a Good Samaritan.

Our sources further stated in definite terms that, the decision is also to make it difficult for the suffering people of Ghana to ascertain the extent to which the NPP government diverted state resources in acquiring a fleet of expensive vehicles for campaign purposes this year. Fearing the boomerang effect of the ordeal they took the NDC through on the same subject in the previous elections.

"Mr Kufuor and his NPP only preach virtue but practice vice. His pontifical claim that his government's is committed to holding free and fair elections is a farce. Their intentions are not pure" one source intimated.