Entertainment of Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Do you know betting is a sin? - MC Yaa Yeboah questions Brother Sammy

MC Yaa Yeboah (left) and Brother Sammy (right) MC Yaa Yeboah (left) and Brother Sammy (right)

Entertainment pundit MC Yaa Yeboah has challenged gospel musician Brother Sammy on his claim that betting is acceptable.

During UTV’s United Showbiz aired on September 21, 2024, Brother Sammy claimed that betting is a profitable activity and not condemned by the Bible as many percieve.

He encouraged Christians to participate in betting to earn income for church contributions.

MC Yaa Yeboah, finding these claims controversial, questioned Brother Sammy, asking if he was aware that the Bible disapproves of such activities.

In the discussion, MC Yaa Yeboah asked, "Are you aware that betting is considered a sin?"

Brother Sammy replied, "This is why Christians are always in need. When opportunities arise, instead of benefiting, they let others take advantage first. When it's time for fundraising at events you plead with rich Muslims to be the Chairperson. Who said betting is bad? Where is it written in the Bible?”

This debate highlights discussion on diverse opinions about betting and other practices not acceptable in Christianity.

Watch the video below: