Entertainment of Saturday, 23 March 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Doctor who disclosed Kuami Eugene’s health details on social media reportedly suspended

Musician, Kuami Eugene Musician, Kuami Eugene

Dr. Amina Haarun, a medical practitioner, has reportedly been suspended from her duties for three months following her unauthorised disclosure of musician Kuami Eugene's health status.

The incident is said to have occurred at the University of Ghana Medical Centre, where the artiste was receiving treatment after being involved in a car accident.

Dr Amina Haarun's suspension came after she was said to have posted on social media regarding Kuami Eugene's condition, which sparked widespread backlash.

In her post, she revealed that the musician was hospitalised and urged followers to pray for him, violating patient confidentiality protocols in the process.

Dr Amina Haarun, who was presumably working at the medical facility where Kuami Eugene was being treated, has since expressed remorse for her actions and issued an apology.

"I am writing to express my sincere apology for the 'violation of code of ethics' I made on [Monday 18th March 2024]. I am aware that my actions not only caused inconvenience but also impacted the team's overall performance. I take full responsibility for my actions and understand the seriousness of the matter.

"I am highly regretful of the inconveniences caused to the Patient due to my violation of our 'Code Of Ethics'. Mistakes are made for lessons to be learned; henceforth, will not repeat such mistakes in the future, and I am trying my best to solve this as soon as possible," she wrote.

"I accept the consequences of both my license being suspended for three months and will gladly serve my punishment by staying away from any hospital facility unless being called to.

"Sorry, there really is no excuse for what I did. I promise I didn't have any bad intentions and can only apologise. This is completely and totally my fault. I feel horrible and never meant to upset anyone; please accept my most sincere apology," she stated in an apology letter.


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