Entertainment of Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Source: mynewsgh.com

Don’t always ‘do it’ in your room - Duncan Williams to Christian husbands

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams play videoArchbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams

Head Pastor of Action Chapel International, Duncan Williams has asked Christian brothers to spice up their marriages because marriage is not about spirituality.

According to him, some Christian marriages are facing challenges because husbands stick to bible studies and prayers when they are supposed to do things that will make their marriages interesting.

The revered Man of God indicated that marriage is not about praying all the time but rather doing things that will make it interesting.

He condemned those who always glue themselves to the Holy Bible, forgetting they need to focus on their social life to spice up their marriages.

He therefore charged Christian brothers not to only “do it in the room and put the lights off” but rather take their wives out sometimes in order to explore other parts and things in life.

“Some of the problems in the church is the fact that a lot of Christian men and women are boring and not romantic. They are one way all the time. Always bedroom and the lights are off."

He continued that “your wife cooks everyday…you are always doing bible studies and prayer meeting. Marriage is not about prayer meeting nor bible studies. It requires some things…"