Music of Friday, 23 November 2007


Don’t toy with me - Diana

A week into her reign as the the new president of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), the deep-dimpled and ever-smiling Mrs Diana Hopeson is keen to impress on all musicians and the general public that she is her own person and is not in office to do anybody’s bidding.

Events leading up to the union’s congress in Sunyani that endorsed Diana as the new president last week, fanned speculation in some circles that the immediate past president, Alhaji Sidiku Buari, had pulled strings to get her elected so he could manipulate her.

“That is not true at all. We worked together for some years and Alhaji knows his work is done. I’m the new president and I know what the position entails.

I will do my best whilst in office. Nobody can dictate which direction I should go. I cannot be toyed around with and I don’t believe anybody intends to do that.”

Diana and Gyedu Blay- Ambolley were the only persons to have filed to contest the presidency when nomination closed on October 5.

An eight-member MUSIGA Vetting Committee disqualified Ambolley for not being in good standing in relation to payment of dues.

Ambolley claimed Buari was behind the Vetting Committee to do him in for pronouncements he had made about the lack of transparency and accountability in MUSIGA. Buari constantly denied the allegation.

Commenting on the disqualification of Ambolley and whether that did not take the excitement out of the election, Diana said it was unfortunate that the competitive edge was taken out when she had to stand unopposed.

She said she wished Ambolley had cooperated with the Vetting Committee and had showed them the proof that he was indeed qualified to contest.

“I was somehow disappointed that he decided not to submit to the committee. All the same, I have a lot of respect for him. If he has good intentions for the union, I expect him to come up with them to help the union move ahead.

This is the time for us all to work towards lifting it up higher.” The immediate people Diana can fall on in the attempt to achieve that are 1st Vice President-AB Crentsil, 2nd Vice President-Amandzeba, General Secretary-Nana Kwame Ampadu, Treasurer-Jude Lomotey and Welfare Officer-C.K.Morrison.

The new president said she believes she has a good team and they will soon discuss and adopt a four-year action plan. “There is so much ahead to do,” she said.

One of the immediate and big tasks ahead for Diana and the rest of the national executive to deal with is the issue of unity in their ranks. The recent election has shown how divided the music front is.

A day before the Sunyani congress, several musicians and other well-wishers met at Tip Toe, near Kwame Nkrumah Circle in Accra, to express solidarity with Gyedu Blay Ambolley over his disqualification by the MUSIGA Vetting Committee to contest against Diana for the union’s presidency.

Personalities at the meeting included Carlos Sakyi, Felix Bell, Stan Plange, Eric Antonio, Charles Amoah, Rex Omar, Art Bennin, Slim Busterr, Jewel Ackah, Akahblay, Adane Best, Abebe, Paapa Yaw Johnson, Mac Tontoh and Faisal Helwani.

Ideas were even floated at the meeting for the formation of another union to cater for the interests of musicians.

“It’s a shame that we are not together to tackle matters that are common to us all as musicians.

There is freedom of speech and association in Ghana so I cannot restrain anybody from belonging where they wish,” Diana stated.

“It is just a few people who are so passionately at loggerheads with the MUSIGA leadership. They cannot rival MUSIGA because it is the mother union. We will not bother much about the distractions for now.”

“Immediately, we want to look at the administrative structures of the union, try and forster unity in our ranks, embark on education about the business of music for our members, encourage the various groupings in the union to function more effectively, look at standard fees for performers and also deal with creating jobs for them.

We will also tackle the divided front confronting us now.”

She stated that the new leadership will encourage fairs to promote local music and will also explore ways to sell the country through music just like the way football is doing now.

She noted that various agencies have funding for culture-related activities and MUSIGA will try to access grants from them to facilitate some of its activities.

The MUSIGA members returning from the Sunyani congress were involved in a road accident. There were injuries but all those admitted to hospital have been discharged now.

Mrs Hopeson said there will be a thanksgiving service at the MUSIGA office at 9.00am next Saturday to show appreciation to God for saving their lives.

The union will also hold a send-off party for Alhaji Buari in December after which dates will be set for the election of regional executive.

“I know one person cannot have all the wisdom in the world so I will take counsel. At the end of the day, however, I believe God makes and unmakes kings and He has made it possible for me to be MUSIGA president at this time.

There may be big problems but He is a bigger entity and will see us through,” Diana said in conclusion.